Jarvis McCal |
Friend 20+ years |
Dublin |
Georgia |
To Connie, My Dear friend Dustin, Jesse, Lona, Ramona, Jimmy, Kevin, Michelle and Jason; my love and prayers. There are ways to show greater honor and compassion to all life. Darrell was a living example of how we should all act towards each other. red, yellow, black, or white, Darryl was just Darrell. We are given as many opportunities to reconstruct the nature of our lives, as there are moments in a day. We can think more insightfully, love more deeply, give more selflessly, and serve more faithfully the call of Love. I can not think of a time that Darrell could have been kinder, or wiser, or more respectful of others. Darrell, My Brother, I will miss you |
Ken & Candayce Graham |
Friends |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell was a great guy. He will be missed greatly. Our prayers go out to family and friends. |
Dubin Animal Hospital |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
The staff of Dublin Animal Hospital would like to send there deepest regards to the Harrell family and MMS. Darrell was an asset to the DAH crew. We all loved to see his smiling face walk through our doors. We could always count on him to come to our aid no matter when or what the situation was. And believe us we seen him alot!!! His honesty and integrity will be sadly missed. To Dustin and Jessie- I lost my mother one year ago when I was 22...I can tell you from experience that the pain will slowly fade but you will always remember. Always keep God on your side and in your heart and things WILL come together. Physically Darrell is not here with you, but spiritually he will live in your hearts forever. If any of you ever need anything please do not hesitate to let us know. WE WILL MISS YOU DARRELL!
The Doctors and Staff of Dublin Animal Hospital
Jim & Susan Ayres |
NLA Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Sympathy is extended to the family and the NLA family. Our prayers are with you. Darrell was a great guy. He will be missed by all who knew him. He will live forever in the hearts of those who know & love him. |
Clarence & Myra Parmer |
Decatur |
Ga |
Friends of Harold & Lois Turner. God bless your family for I know they will miss you. |
Ramona Harrell Wallace |
Sister |
High Point |
North Carolina |
Well, I think I am finally ready to write something about my little brother. As I have read all the kind words of encouragement, love and memories shared by so many of Darrell's family, friends and customers; I am so moved to my own memories of him. I remember the first time I saw Darrell. He was lying on my mother’s bed and he was so tiny. Darrell was born 10 days after our father was killed in a car accident. Wendell, (our brother who died in a motorcycle accident in 1984) and I could not decide if Darrell was a boy or girl due to the fact that he had a long white gown on. Its funny how the mind of a child works, we were so confused and some what jealous. It wasn't long after we realized he was a boy and what a little boy he was. I was 7 years old and it was like I had my own real life baby doll. A doll that ate, talked, slept...etc....he was so special to all of us. He brought life back into our family. Darrell was different and unique. He liked what he liked and if he didn't like it he wanted no part of it. He loved and I must say LOVED TV and with that love came the love of cereal. Darrell could sit and watch TV for hours without moving. He enjoyed all types of shows especially the learning channels. Maybe this is one reason he was so smart. He had such a quest for knowledge, how things worked? Why they worked? Could they work better with his help? He was always full of questions and lots of answers. Darrell was always interested in making his room “Darrell” friendly and for some strange reason he loved strings. He would have the string tried to the door knob so it would turn out the light when the door closed and alert him to any intruders to his room. He enjoyed books, music and the list just keeps going, he enjoyed life. He was also a young boy with dreams. Dreams of what he would be when he grew up (funny we all wonder this one) where he would work? Would he travel? Who would he marry? Kids how many? I am pleased to say that all of his dreams came true. He lived in his home town all of his life, married the love of his life Connie, had two awesome son's Dustin and Jesse, became a business owner of his love for computers and even traveled. I would say that he had a wonderful life. I too had a dream for Darrell one that burned within me for over 20 years. The dream that he would one day accept the Lord Jesus as his own personal Savior; in this is where I have found my comfort. For what shall it gain a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul? As for Darrell, he did gain not only in this life but the one here after. Darrell did accept the Lord as his Savior and now he has it all; an eternal place in heaven with Jesus. A place where we can all see him again if we too accept the gift that Jesus has given us. As we all are thankful for the 39 years that we had him here with us, we are just as thankful that we will see his smiling face again. This time we will never more part. Praise the Lord!! Darrell, I have counted it an honor to have been your Mon'er and I will forever love and miss you. I have been blessed to have had a brother like you. Connie, Dustin, Jesse May you always know that you are loved. Love forever Your Sister Ramona :)
Maureen Fair |
Aunt |
Macon |
Ga |
Connie, Lona , Boys, and all the Family, You all are in my thoughts and prayers, Darrell was such an example for any one to follow. Its like I say the Lord takes the best. We will all miss him, I told so many people about Darrell and you Connie how that you both had prospered, The presious memories that you have will always comfort you all.Thats what I have to go on in loosing my lovedones. They have done what we have to do in the future, It just pays to be ready. We will miss those precious people. Love & Prayers Aunt Maureen Fair |
Madeline Houiston |
Aunt |
Douglas |
Ga |
Connie & Family. I know how lost you all are, but we just have to be ready to meet our loved ones and we will see them again one day. I was so sorry & shocked about Darrell it is still hard to believe, May the Lord comfort you and family through this awful loss, I love you all Aunt Madeline Houston |
Christy & Jimmy Garnto |
customers |
Scott |
GA |
What beautiful thoughts everyone has written. We didn't personally know Darrell, but he sounds like he was such a great person.A hard worker and a good family man. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. May God keep you all close in his embrace and comfort you in your time of need. |
Joshua Harrell |
Nephew |
Dublin |
Georgia |
WEW, I read Ramona's entry and it got to me. Growing up I did not see Darrell,Ramona,Connie,Kevin,Jason,or Dustin. When I turned seventeen I started getting interested in computers and Darrell sold me my first one. Imediatley, he started showing me all kinds of tricks and I fell in love with computer (especially webdesign). I thank God that me and a Harrell found a common ground. Hanging out with Darrell I saw alot of my own habits through him. Reading Aunt Ramona's entry I saw alot more. I too spent my childhood scarfing down Captain Crunch and being babysat by the TV. I used to tear things down to see how they worked and also tied ropes to doors :oD . I lost my father and never had a Harrell man to relate to. I am thankful that I had Darrell and I wish I could have had him a little longer. To Connie, Dustin, and Jesse, I love you all. I know what you've lost. I wish he were still here. Darrell was a great mentor and uncle.
I Love All of You Guys. Ramona that was a great entry, I love you.
Joshua Harrell |
Ramona Harrell Wallace |
Sister |
High Point |
North Carolina |
I just wanted everyone to know that today August 26th 2005 would have been Darrell's 40th Birthday.
Darrell you have been missed by all of us. |
Henry A. Hughes |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Your smile and friendship will be very much missed, but your dream will live on, I will help anyway I can, Connie, .Take care.. |
Preston/Beverly Johnson |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darrell's passing is a loss to the Dublin/Laurens County community, a caring and loving community. He will be missed as a person and for his computer expertise.
Darrell and the entire gang at MicroManagement have always been very helpful to Beverly and me and always went beyong the call of duty.
We are so thankful of Darrell's commitment to Jesus Christ as his Savior, and our prayers are with the family, as well as the employees of MicroManagement, in their loss.
God bless, Preston and Beverly Johnson |
Judy Murkerson-Segura |
Friend |
Euharlee |
Georgia |
Connie, I was so sorry to hear about Darrell. He was such a wonderful person. I wish I could be there in person to comfort you. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help you. |
Susan Dominy Glenn |
Friend/Classmate |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, I couldn't believe it when I got the phone call that Darrell had been killed. It seems like no time since we were all having a good time in high school. We had some great times in school. I am so proud of you and Darrell for the life you had made together and the business he created. Just always know that you and the boys are in my prayers. Love ya, Susan |
LyKesha Bouyer |
NetLine Customer |
Adrian |
GA |
May God bless you and keep you. Though I did not know Darrell on a personal level, I know how it feels to lose a loved one. |
Dustin Taylor |
Friend |
Lilburn |
Georgia |
I didn't get to see Darrell much, but from the time I spent with him I could tell he was good man. He always made time for you and made you laugh. You will be missed. |
logan taylor |
Friend |
spokane |
WA |
I didnt know darrell vary well, but from the short amount of time I spent with him I could tell he was a good and carring man. you will be missed darrell, you have my prayers. |
Robin Johnson-Taylor |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I don't know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down into the grass,how to kneel down in the grass, how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields, which is what I have been doing all day. Tell me, what else should I have done? Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precoius life? by Mary Oliver, from "The Summer Day"
Darrell showed us all by example what to do with our one wild precious life: Greet each day with the wide-eyed innocence and hope of a child. Greet each employee with leadership and a smile. Greet each client with a handshake and trust. Greet each friend with a joke and a "whatcha need?". Greet each family member with outstretched arms and a heart and soul as big as the heavens. Just a good ol' southern boy living life and being himself. But, oh what a wonderful blessing to have him so unassumingly and unselfishly share himself with so many. Thank you Connie and Darrell for all you have done for us personally and professionally. We all are better for having known you. I Love Ya'll So Much! -Robin |
Dennis & Sandy Yarbrough |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
No words will ever express how much we will miss Darrell, I hope Heaven has a ballpeen hammer for him! |
jack fisher |
friend |
e-dublin |
ga |
he was always there to help me since 95 he will be miss |
Tom McCain |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
There are people who make immediate, positive impressions in your life. Darrell was one of those people. The first time I met him he became my friend. I never had a conversation with him that I didn't walk away from smiling. He was witty, humourous, extremely intelligent and just fun to be around. My life is the better for having known him and I will miss him terribly. |
Myrtle Evans |
Netline Customer |
Georgia |
I have been a customer since 2000 and Darrell has always been more than great when I had computer problems. He was very nice, always greet you with a smile and he surely will be missed. To the family you are in my prayers. May God continue to bless you and comfort you, and keep you strong in your time of sorrow. Love Ya |
Ronnie Green |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie, just wanted to let you know that you are in our prayers. I was just a customer but always was greeted by you and Darrell with such great smiles as I came in the business. As I look at these pictures and see such a great family I know that God had to be a part of your daily lives. Connie I know that you will dearly miss Darrell but God needed him more than this troubled world we live in. PLEASE rememeber that he is our provider and he only gives us no more than we can handle. Through prayer and hope in him you can rest asure that Darrell is in great hands. GOD BLESS! |
GA |
Cheryl Gray |
NetLine Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Please accept my most sincere condolences for your tragic loss. Darrell was always so helpful and patient with a computer dummy like me. He would smile and show me very kindly what I needed to know about my computer or my internet service. I always knew my questions would be welcomed by him and the staff at Micro-Management. He was a kind, good man. My prayers are with the family and with the Micro-Management family as well. |
Susan & Ira Brown |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darrell will truly be missed by all that new him> He was always so helpful with any problems or questions that we had and never acted as though he was to busy to be bothered regardless of how simple the question may have been. Great men like Darrell or far and few between. May God keep him safe within His care. God Bless and Comfort to you all. |
Tommy &Vicki Gilder |
Friend & Customer |
Glenwood |
Ga |
Our prayers are with you ,God has one of the best. |
sharon price |
online customer |
east dublin |
ga |
May God be with you and keep you in this trying time. |
Marcus Clements |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, From everyone at Clements and Keen Insurance--we are praying for you and the boys. We remember Darrell as a postive person, always witty and although usally very busy, seemingly laid-back and not stressed out. I know you are very proud of what he accomplished in his short life. |
Karen L. Widmer |
Friend and Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrel was the face we all looked for at Micro-Management. He always had a smile, an the knowledge that alot of his customers depended on him to steer them in the right direction. He taught us alot and had a way of making us feel like we new what we were doing, even when we didn't! To Connie, family and Micromanagement family my heartfelt sympathy goes out to you all. |
GA |
Bill and Lucille Harris |
Netline Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
We will miss the smile when you were trying to help us learn to use our computer and printer. Our prayers go out to your family. |
Rick Johnson |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie and Family- On behalf of the Trinity Christian School family I send our heartfelt condolences. I knew Darrell to be a man of integrity and faith. I count it a real privilege to have had the opportunity to know him and to do business with him. We will be praying for the abundant grace of God to help comfort you during this time of sorrow and loss. |
Robert T. Drew |
Know through Business |
Dublin |
GA |
I only knew him by visiting the store. His gleaming smile and personality just let you know what kind of person he was. The only thing that keeps us going when someone like him is taken so suddenly is knowing that God's plan is being fulfilled. The Good LORD always know what's best, even though it hurts. May God continue to richly Bless us. |
Kaye Edge @ Irish Moving & Storage |
Customer |
East Dublin |
GA |
Darrell was the person that 1st set up the internet for me back in 1995. I was dumb (& still am) about a lot things. He was great. Always willing to answer any question we had. I pray that God will be with his employees & most of all his family. He will be missed. God Bless You All. |
Mary Ann Jones |
Cuestomer |
East Dublin |
Ga. |
My heart goes out to you. I lost my husband June 30,2005.We had been married 31 years. If there is anything I can do for you please call me.272-9560. If you just need to talk or someone to listen I can do that. May the Lord be with you and give you PEACE. Your Friend in Christ Mary Ann Jones |
Pat & HW Wilder |
clients |
Dublin |
Ga. |
May God be with your family during your time of sorrow. We are thinking of you all. |
Ron Harrington |
Friend & Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie,we don't understand why,but GOD doesn't make mistakes.You and the boys are in our prayers as well as the MM NLM family, thank you for all that you do and thanks for sharing Darrell, he will be missed. |
Nicky Blum |
Freind/Customer |
Rentz |
Ga |
Connie, No words can say how sorry I am for your tragic loss. I will continue to remember you and your family in my prayers. Take care. |
Millie dunn |
customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
My heart is sadden and my thoughts and prayers are with Darrell's family. We don't understand why such tragedies must happen, however, Darrell is with the One(Jesus) today that sees the beginning and end of our mortal life here on earth. Those who are left behind suffer with great sorrow but know, as a Christian, Darrell is now experiencing what God has prepared for all believers. May the Lord be your comfort and strength, and may His love sustain you and give you hope for the future. With Deepest Sympathy, Millie & Frank Dunn |
Becky Pope |
Dublin |
Ga. |
May God be with you.For you will be miss'd by friends and family. |
Ann Sears |
Customer |
Cedar Grove |
Ga |
I'd guess by now Darrell has found a broken computer in heaven and is helping God out with repairs. Connie and Family, I know Darrell with be greatly missed and pray that you may feel God's presence as a source of comfort. May it also comfort you to know that others care. |
mr. &mrs. allen ashley |
customer |
dudley |
ga |
our prayer are with the family and staff of nl america we will certainly miss darrell, always smiling we love you. to connie and your boys keep looking up to jesus. love the ashley: |
Wayne & Connie McDaniel |
Customer |
Cadwell |
Georgia |
We are so sorry for your loss and will remember your family in our prayers. |
Gail McCant |
Friend and customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie, My heart is so sad of your loss. Darrell was truely a very special person. You both have done so well in life. And life doesnt make it easy for us. Your are in my prayers and may you find strength the coming hard days and weeks. God Bless you and your family |
Brad Billings |
Ramona's coworker/friend |
Elkin |
NC |
I work with Ramona and have heard alot about your family through the years. I just wanted to let you all know I am praying for your family and have shared the your loss with my church family who is also praying for you all. Please read 1 Cor 10: 9-13. The Lord is always by our side. He knows all of our needs and what we can bear. Just continue to lean on him. |
David Taylor |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
You are the best of the best Darrell ! Thank God For You ! You will always be among the best of lifetime friends. My prayers and efforts will remain with your family. |
Denise Phillips |
NLA Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
My thoughts and prayers are with your family. May God Bless You. |
Richard L. Crider |
customer |
Thomaston |
Georgia |
It is difficult for me to express my feelings about the loss of Darrell. He was always ready to help me through a problem. A joy to work with. |
joyce e. toler |
friend |
dublin |
georgia |
John Trozzo |
Customer |
Dexter |
Ga |
I have been with you since your opening, and will miss your smiling face and always helpful positive manner. Im truly sorry. You will be missed by more folks than you can imagine. |
Joey Powell |
Friend/Customer |
Montrose |
GA |
I met Darrell in 1995 when MMS was still a 3 person operation and from that first meeting I knew Darrell was a person who would go out of his way to help you. Someone who loved life and loved people. When the store grew to be bigger than anyone imagined (except probably Darrell) he was still the same. I think back on the countless times I've walked in the store when there weren't any customers around and hearing Darrell say "Joey, come here, let me show you this neat "insert your favorite new piece of technology here" we got in yesterday. This thing is so cool man!
Connie, Dustin, Jessie, I will pray for God to give you the strength you will need to make it through this difficult time. God bless and keep watch over all of you in the Micro Management family. |
Adell Thompson |
customer |
Dublin GA 31021 |
GA |
My thoughts and prayers are with the family and all of you at NLA Darrell will surely be missed. GOD BLESS you all. |
Charles D Sizer |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Darrell was a very good person and friend. God will continue to bless you. |
Susan D. Johnson |
Customer, Dustin's teacher |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I was extremely shocked and saddened to learn of Darrell's death. When you first started the business, I was given computer #18 that Darrell had put together at West Laurens Middle School. When Darrell came to install it in my classroom, I told him that I knew nothing about computers and did not want it! He stayed longer than he should have and taught me how to operate it. As he left, he told me that his son would be in my class in a year and already knew enough to help me! Dustin, I hope you know that you are among my favorite students, and you became my computer teacher!
I wish I could do or say something to take away the pain and the void that you feel. Darrell touched many people in a positive way. I am so sorry. |
Paul Baker |
Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Having lost my Dad at the age of 8 in a car accident. I remember how it once felt for the family and the kids to have to deal with such a terrible trajedy. I will keep the family of the Harrells in my thoughts and prayers. |
Joe Elton |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell was probably one of the nicest guys that I have ever met in the Computer Ind. Connie & Dustin you are in my thoughts. |
L |
Customer |
Georgia |
LeAnn Starley |
Customer |
Rockledge |
ga |
My prayers are with you and your family. I bought my first computer from you company and I have always been treated warmly when I came in with problems or crazy questions. He will be greatly missed. I will be praying for you today that god will hold your hand and give you the strenght to endure your last goodbyes. Just always remember that he is never far away and he is listening even when you think he is not. He will be your strenght in the days to come so reach out to him. He know you hurt. God bless you and your family. |
Holly/Mike Buxton |
Customer/Friend |
Rockledge |
GA |
Darrell and Connie and everyone at NlAmerica where always great too us all the time not just when we had a computer problem. Darrell was a funny person and always willing too help someone that wanted too help them selves. God Bless the family and God Bless the Micro-Management staff. |
Ron O'Quinn |
friend |
Glenwood |
GA |
I knew Darrell Harrell for 14 years and even with all the pain his death brings I smile when I remember his grin and wit. We write our own obituary each day and Darrell wrote a masterpiece. The Harrell family lost a cherished member, MMS/Netline America and the community lost a true leader, and I lost a great friend that I will never forget. |
Angie Wilkes |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
To Connie and boys and all the people at NetLine, please know that we are very sad about your great loss. Even though we did not know Darrell very well, just going in the business and seeing his face, hearing him speak and the interaction between you all spoke volumes about him and his life. In times of such great loss we know that God is our only true comfort and He will give you peace that passses all understanding. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. |
Dane and Elinor Goode |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. |
Brenda Holland |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
My thoughts & prayers are with you at this time. Darrell always carried a smile on his face and went that extra mile to help. Know that God has a purpose for everything. Remember that if God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it! |
Gayle Marshall |
Customer/friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, I grieve for your beloved Darrell, and pray for your strength in the difficult days to come. I pray for Jesus to wrap his arms around you and your family. I give praise to God for the blessing that Darrell was to his customers and for the fine gentleman he seemed to be. Thank you for sharing family pictures with the community. May God bless the co-workers and give them comfort. I have been doing business with you for 10 years and you and Darrell always remember my name when I see you in the office or out anywhere. I have suffered the loss of a husband and know you will be blessed from the community support and prayer as I was. If the personal details become too much to deal with, I will be glad to help you with written acknowledgements or personal errands. I will count it joy to serve you. Love & deepest sympathy, Gayle |
Vernon D. Lloyd |
Customer/Friend |
Rentz |
Georgia |
I want to express my condolences to the family of a truly kind and delightful man. Darrell always took the time to entertain my questions and give some nugget of humor mixed with inspiration. He will be greatly missed. We didn't see each other often but the occurences are memorable. God bless you. |
claudia graham |
eas dublin |
ga |
Darrell came into Steve Ashley's Salon right after his wife and young son had left on Monday afternoon. They had not been gone more than 5 minutes. Darrell was his usual cheerful self, after his hair cut, he stood around and told a joke and visited with us. He left saying that he didn't get much chance to right his bike with all of the rainy weather lately. I was so saddened to hear of his death, the great loss to his family, and to the community, in whole. Our prayers are with the family and employees. |
JoAnn Collins |
Customer |
East Dublin |
Ga. |
Words can't say how sorry I am for your lost. The family and NLA family are in my prayers. |
Sharon Graham |
Friend/Customer |
East Dublin |
Georgia |
Connie, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I know this was a shock for the whole community. We never understand why these things happen and only God knows the answer. Just remember Darrell is watching over you guys and one day you will see each other again until then he is with you inside your heart and memories. Remember you are loved by many and are in our thoughts and prayers. |
Scott and Benita White |
NLA customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Sorry to hear of your loss. Darrell will be missed by many. You are in our thoughts and we are praying for you and your family. |
June Moore |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, my sympathy to you and your family as well as the other associates at Micro Management. You know you and Darrell have been my friends many years; before the army, during your time of service, and since that time. I too, have lost a good friend. I Love you All. |
Debbie Wynn |
Customer |
Rockledge |
Georgia |
Connie, You and your family are in our prayers. Darrell was the greatest help and knew everything there was to know about computers. If you were needing help and asked what I am sure was a stupid question to him, he never let on and graciously guided you to the answer. This is such a tragic loss for this community. Please accept our sincere sympathies and we will keep you constantly in our prayers. |
Chris Howell |
Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Darrell will be sadly missed by our Company and myself. If we ever had a problem with our computer Darrell was always there to help. My condolence goes to his Wife and Children and to the staff a Mico Management. |
Bob Tarpley |
Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
My first encounter with Darrell was as a customer, but he soon became a friend. I'll never forget the day or two after he accepted Jesus as his Savior. He came into the First Baptist Church office to help with some problem, but he was more interested in telling us about his new relationship with Jesus. He was one in a million and now he is with Jesus, probably trying to convince him that he needs to automate Heaven. Connie, my prayers are with you and your sons. God Bless You! |
Robin Mullis |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, you and your family are in my prayers. Darrell will be greatly missed. |
GA |
Connie, Tony, Danielle, Kevin, Lori, Todd, Joe, David and entire Micro-Management family, We are so sorry for the loss you all feel. We will be among the many people that will miss him along with all of you. We always looked forward to his witty humor whenever he came to our office. His fun personality made it a little more bearable to have computer problems! He will be missed by everyone at Yeomans Wood and Timber. |
SAM Roorda |
customer |
Dexter |
Ga. |
Dear Connie, Sorry about your loss and may God watch over you as only He can. Will miss that smile whenever I come in. Sam and Phyllis Roorda. |
Alan Sanders |
Customer - Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I came to Dublin in 1994. Darrell was the first person I met when I had computer questions. He was always willing to help in any way he could, and it was always with a smile on his face. I'm proud to have known Darrell, his memory will be around for a long time to come. Every time I walk into Micro-Management, I'll still remember Darrells face greeting me. Our prayers are with you, Connie. God bless you and your family. |
Mary Chambless |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I am so sorry Darrell is gone from here. I cannot even imagine how much you miss him, so much more I know, but I miss him too. He was a wonderful person who was always there whenever I needed his help. I can certainly attest to what a wonderful father he was to raise a fine son like Dustin and a happy little boy like Jesse. I am so proud to know his family. |
Audrey Hicks Chambers |
Customer |
Jefersonville |
GA |
Words cannot convey how much Darrell will be missed by all who knew and loved him. He will be missed but not forgotten. May God continue to bless the family and Twiggs County BOE Technology Department will keep all of you in our prayer. God Bless!
GA |
Marie Spearing/family |
Business |
Dudley |
Ga. |
Our heart felt prayers are with you. We will miss his smiling voice when needing help . God Bless |
Marie Spearing/family |
Business |
Dudley |
Ga. |
Our heart felt prayers are with you. We will miss his smiling voice when needing help . God Bless |
Keith Beck |
Friend |
Dudley |
Georgia |
May God Bless you, and keep you safe in his loving arms. |
Marlene Hazlett |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
I could always depend on Darrell for fixing whatever I messed up with any of my computers--at work or at home--and always knew it would be done with a smile. I wish comfort and solice for Darrell's family and friends. You have so much support and so many caring friends and customers in this area; please know our hearts go out to you. |
GA |
Al Rhodes |
Friend and Customer |
Dublin |
Ga. |
You will never be forgotten, you had it going on and I feel it will continue. Our prayers are with your family and staff. |
Betty and John Bogle |
customers |
Dublin |
ga |
We offer our deep sympathy to Connie and to all the Micro-Management family. We share the loss because Darrell was a very special person. |
Maria Lawrence |
Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie, it was a pleasure getting to know both you and Darrell during your pregnancy with Jesse. I remember how devoted, loving and caring Darrell was during that time. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
GA |
Julie Driger |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Losing someone so close to us is difficult to bear. Things appear so meaningless and life just seems unfair.... But as time passes your loss will get easier, it's true, and cherished memories help to keep your husband and father close to you. |
1990~Garth Brooks~The Dance, Sums it all up. Saepe Expertus, Semper Fidelis, Fratres Aeterni |
Karen West |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
"It is still so new & all we see is the empty space, but that is not how it is in the landscape of the heart. There, there is no empty space & he still laughs & grapples with ideas & plans & nods wisely with each of us in turn. We are proud to have known him. We are proud to have called him friend." Brian Andreas, StoryPeople.com.
What a loss for everyone who knew Darrell, but how much richer we are for having known him.
GA |
Royce J. Hall |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
May You rest in Peace, my brother. Here is a poem to you and your family...titled Heaven and Earth by Karen McCombs
When the warmth of the sun touches my face, I see your smile and feel your embrace. I hear the whisper of love in the wind And I know that you are close to me again.
The rain speaks of tears and the thunder of pain, But soon the sun comes the earth to reclaim. As the days come and go and the world moves on, I know you're still here, you'll never be gone.
On the night the Angel came and took your hand, We cried as you left for an unknown land. But Heaven rejoiced as you came into sight, For your soul was a diamond, shining so bright!
Reaching for the rims beyond the skies. May God keep you all. Royce |
Mendy Sohn |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, Words can't express how sorry I am for your loss. You are not alone as God will guide you through this sorrowful time. My prayers are with you, your children, family and staff. Darrell was such a wonderful person he will be missed by all. |
Kenneth & Diann O'Neal |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Our heart felt condolence is sent to the Harrell Family. As a customer at Netline, Darrell treated us with respect and offered helpful service. When you walked in the door, someone was always ready to greet you and serve you as a customer. Our prayer is that God will continue to stregthen the Harrell Family during this time of sorrow. "BLESSED ARE THEY THAT MOURN FOR THEY SHALL BE COMFORTED." MATTHEW 5:4 |
Do not stand at my grave and weep, I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glint on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. (Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I did not die! Mary Frye (1932) |
Keith and Pam Hall |
friend |
Dexter |
GA |
As we think of all the good times and all the funny jokes and remarks it brings joy to our hearts to be able to call Darrell our friend. As I read John 14:1-6 preparing for the funeral message, I find peace knowing where my life long friend is...
Keith Hall |
Spence |
friend |
Rentz |
GA |
Although I have not been with "the gang" at Micro Management for very long I felt like a part of the family from day one. Darrell never made me feel like an "employee" he made me feel like another important member of his "team". There were few times I would see him without that grin or crackin some kind of joke. I consider myself fortunate to have known such a great man. God Bless the family and know that I will keep you in my prayers. |
Erin Lampp |
friend of Dustin |
Dublin |
Georgia |
All of ya'll are in our prayers. |
thomas & rhonda grizzard |
east dublin |
ga |
we always looked forward to seeing darrell's smiling face when we visited micro-management. he helped us a great deal with any problem we had. he will be missed by us, his customers. we only pray for his family, who have lost far more than we have. please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you now and continually through your time of grief.
thomas & rhonda |
Jessica Ward |
Dublin |
I wish so much that I could be there with you all. I love all of you so much, no matter what, and I'm praying for every one of you. |
Mike Warren |
Acquaintence |
Dublin |
GA |
I am truely sorry for your loss, I will miss our conversations, and that smile. |
Howard & Jeannine Lloyd |
customers/friends |
Scott |
Georgia |
He will be missed. We are so sorry for your pain. We're praying for all of you. |
Dorothy & Billy Boston |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, I am deeply sorry for your lose. Darrell will be greatly missed by the community and those who encountered his smiling face. May God blessing be with you and your family.
Dorothy and Billy Boston |
Annette Fisher |
Friend/customer |
Cadwell |
GA |
Darrell will be greatly missed, but God has another plan and need a great angel. Connie, My prayers are with you and I know what you are going thru and going to face. But you do have small children to help you go on which I didn't. That is a blessing for you. |
Kimberly Garnto |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, you and your family are in my prayers. I pray that God will comfort you with His Holy Spirit during this time of grief. |
Debbie Fullard |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
"My life is but a weaving between my God and me; I do not choose the colors; He worketh steadily. Oft times he weaveth sorrow and I in foolish pride forget He sees the upper, and I the underside.
Not til the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly, will God unroll the canvas and explain the reasons why. The dark threads are as needful in the skillful weavers hand as the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned. -- Corrie Ten Boom"
May God richly bless you all during this trying time. |
DeWitt, Jan, and Deidra Moses |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie and boys, Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Darrell will truly be missed. May God bless you and your family during this tragic time. |
Dan King Sr |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
"Stunned" was my reaction as I opened the newspaper. Darrell's time must have been in great demand, but I remember he never made me feel rushed as he offered helpful support re my "system." He must have been a model for the rest of you guys at the shop also. The "gang" has been so helpful to me so many times. Connie and family, I care about your loss. Gang, I care about yours too. I wish there were something I could say to make the heaviness lighter. Just let me turn you over to the One Who can. Blessings and Love, Dan King Sr. |
Lisa and Robert Stevenson |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
WE will be praying for Darell's family. We didn't know him well, but what we did know,was he was a great person. WE know his father in law and our heart goes out to all of his family. Robert Lisa and Graham Stevenson - Curl Country Store |
Marie Hooks |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Darrell's patience and great communications skills enabled him to encourage us non-tekkies to try new things with our software and surfing. He will be missed by many, many people. That is a mark of a good man. |
opal Hester |
customer & friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Darrell you will be greatly missed by all of us. you were a complete gentleman & friend. & connie God has his arms around you & all of you Danniel, david Joe Kathy & all the staff just stay in prayer.I love all of you. Opal Hester |
Sue and James Hutcheson and The James Gang Dublin |
Friend |
Soperton and Dublin |
Ga |
Darrell was a fine young man and he will be missed by all that new him. God Bless and our prayers are with all the family and fiends at Micro-Management. |
Britt & Lori Tipton |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie & Family,
We are very sorry to hear of your loss. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. |
Wyman |
customer & friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Old buddy my heart to full to say much @ this moment but I know your in heaven & you"ve done something we all got to do one day. you were my hero. your true friend Wyman hester & connie hold on tight we love all of you |
GA |
Dee Neville |
Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Connie, Words cannot express the sadness I feel for both you and your family during this difficult time. I've known both you and Darrell since high school and I have some great memories of Darrell. He will be greatly missed in our hearts, as well as the community. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. |
Cavin Rotramel |
Classmate of Jesse |
Dexter |
GA |
Jesse, I'm sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in our prayers. If you need to talk please call me. |
Gerald Brack |
Friend |
Dudley |
ga |
People say they’re sorry, And they mean it from the heart, But to understand your heartache, They couldn’t even start, To have a loss like you have had, Is too much to understand, We see it and we feel for you, But it’s only secondhand, You’re the ones who are suffering, And we’re the ones who care, But if there’s anything we can do, Call us, we’ll be there.
Becki & Bryan Kilpatrick |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
May God give you all the courage and strength to keep going! Our prayers are with the family! |
Dublin Industrial Services, Inc |
Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie & Family and employees at Micro-Management Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. We know there will be a big void at your place of business without his smiling face. God Bless |
Ina Cooper |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Surely there is joy in heaven as Darrell comes home. May you find strength in our Lord Jesus. |
Tracy Watson |
Friend/Classmate |
Dubln |
GA |
Connie, I am so sorry for your loss of Darrell. He will be missed dearly. Our greatest losses become our most meaningful reminders of the blessings we have enjoyed and the blessings for which we are even more deeply grateful today. May God be with you and your family now and always. I will keep you in my prayers.
Jessica W. Francis |
Customer |
Chester |
Georgia |
Darrell was a very sweet and hard-working individual. I had only met him a couple of times, but those times I did have contact with him I knew he was a great man. May God be with the family and help you through this hard time. Good Luck and May God Bless! |
Jimmy B. Padgett |
Friend & Customer |
Cambridge, England |
Connie - to you and the family go our sincerest condolences. Had it not been for you chaps I may have never been able to return overseas. I was on my way to London, when I spoted the news on the computer (via the Courier-Herald). It really blew the wind out of my sails. His loss will long be remembered - for Darrel was unique person - with his own style of doing things - and always positive. May God bless each and everyone of you - always know that you are loved and will be remembered in prayer. Jimmy |
Robert & Engracia Gregory |
Customer |
Adrian |
Connie and family, When the sky is at its darkest and there seems there's no way through, remember, "Your" Heavenly Father is watching over you. He cares about your broken heart, He knows your every grief, and He will walk with you in your sorrow and bring your soul relief. Everytime, I go to your store, and if Darrell was there, he was always there ready to help and always smiling. "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of of a broken heart. And none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate" Psalm 34:18&22
Gabrielle Johnson |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
What a sad shock to hear of the death of such a kind and friendly man. To the family and friends, this is not the end of the road for Darrell. Live your life to the fullness until we see that kind friend again. |
Kenny & Sheila Wilcher & Family |
Scott |
Connie, Dustin, & Jesse
We are deeply and truely sorry for your great loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. |
John & Gloria Coleman |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
So sorry for your loss. You have our deepest sympathy in this time of tragedy. |
Andrea Runyon |
Customer/Friend |
Dexter |
GA |
Connie-I am so sorry for your loss. I have known you and Darrell for many years and remember some wonderful and crazy times that Darrell and I shared in school. He was a wonderful person. In times like these, it makes you realize how short life can be and that you should not let dear friends slip away, which is exactly what I did with you and Darrell. You have 2 wonderful boys that favor their Daddy so much. Cherish them and know that he lives in them. My daughter, Amber, told me when my Mother died not to worry or cry so much because she was with God and she would be okay. From the mouths babes! I know that you are hurting, but Darrell will be okay. I will pray for you and the boys. Please remember that I am here for you and will help in any way that I can. I don't intend to let you slip away again. God Bless and keep you. |
Lesa Holliday and family |
customer |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you.We have been customers for many years.Darrell always took the time to help with any questions or problems we might be having.Just talking with him made you have a better day,he was always so friendly helpful and funny. |
GA |
Pam |
customer |
East Dublin |
Ga |
I didnt know Darrell on a personal level, but just Monday afternoon he gave me some tips on a problem I was having with my computer. I am very sorry the loss of him. I will keep his family and friends in my prayers. |
Vonda |
friend |
Glenwood |
GA |
Darrell was a down-to-earth, caring person who was never too busy to show a friend around the business or talk shop. His warmth and wickedly funny sense of humor will be greatly missed. Connie, we all share at least a bit of your loss and grief, although words don't seem adequate at a time like this. You have many, many thoughts and prayers headed your way from everyone who knew and loved Darrell. |
Richard & Pat Roberts |
Friend and Customer |
East Dublin |
Ga |
Connie and family we were very please to know Darrell he was a very nice and likeable gentlemen everytime we seen are spoke to him He will be greatly missed by us. I want you to know that ours hearts and prayers are with you and your whole family and crew though this time. If you need us in any way please let us know May God be with you and shine upon you and yours
Richard and Patricia Roberts |
Rosemary Self |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Connie & children, My prayers are with you,always |
Donnie L. Brantley |
customer |
East Dublin |
Ga. |
Have been a customer of NLA since buying a computer,onlyknew Darrell when I went into the store, but always seen a smile in his face. You're in our prayers. So sorry to hear about you're loss Connie. May GOD bless and keep u and you're family |
Stacy Cook-Cooper |
Friend |
Montrose |
Ga |
Uncontrolling Tears It is never easy I've heard, to loose someone you love But, even harder still, is when they leave for up above You know they will be happier in that heavenly place But, there is no controlling tears that come streaming down your face Sometimes, when it's a grandma or grandpa up in years You feel as though they fulfilled all their dreams and fears But, then as little children loose their life sometimes You wish the Lord could of spared them, if only for a short time And even though death is a reality we all must face There is no controlling tears that come streaming down your face...............Stacy Cook-Cooper
To Connie & Family and all of Netline America, God be with each and everyone of you during this most difficult time.......Darrell was a great guy and even tho' he is gone from this life, his memory will be in the hearts of MANY for years to come... |
Lisa Morris & Family |
Customer |
Adrian |
Our thoughts & prayers are with Darrell's family & with his extended family at Netline. Darrell was always smiling & willing to help "those who has no clue about computers" people like me. Keep those memories close by & God Bless you all! |
Joe Justice |
Employee |
Chester |
Ga. |
I just want to say what an experience it has been working with Darrell. He was not a boss; he was a brother because he made you feel that way. I just regret other people did not get to know him as we (the gang @ Micro-Management) did. He will be truly missed. The morning meetings will never be the same. It was always the highlight of the day, his funny jokes and antics. You never knew who he may be when he walked in the backdoor; he might be Thurston Howell from Gilligan’s Island or Mr. Haney from Green Acres. He may be British, Australian or from London. He had so many faces and voices to keep us laughing, I don't know what we will do now for fun other than to remember Darrell and all the good times. For all the people who never got the privilege of knowing Darrell as we did have also suffered a great loss.
To Connie, Dustin and Jessee, my heart goes out to you. I know how it is to lose someone you love. I know myself and the rest of the gang will not let you down. You are all loved by us and I am sure we will do all we can to keep Darrell’s dream alive and going.
Darrell you were and stll are the best.
Your friend and brother in life.
Scott Brantley |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
I can remember when my family went to get our first computer back in 1993, when I was 13 years old. Although only 13 years old, Darrell has been a wonderful friend to me. I would call up just to ask Darrell some silly question about my computer, and I only wanted to talk to Darrell, cause I knew regardless of how silly my question was, or how young of my age, he was always willing to set aside time for me, and anyone for that matter. I've been walking through the doors of his store ever since, and most of the time just hanging around talking with him, cause he always had the ability to make me laugh. He hired me on as part of the "family" back in March of this year, and I must say that my experience being part of his business has been a wonderful one. I know not everyone gets up in the morning ready and willing to head to work, but working with Darrell made that different for me. He was truly a one of a kind person, and a wonderful friend. I am proud to say that he has made me feel like a part of his family since I was 13, and has always treated me that way. He will be greatly missed by all of us, and I'm sure he will help put a smile on everyone's face up there in Heaven. What a wonderful man! |
AmiTy Propane Inc. |
Friends & customers |
Dublin |
Ga |
Thank you Darrell |
Roy Black |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darell wil be mised |
Donna Morton |
Friend & customer |
Glenwood |
Ga. |
Connie & family, My heart and prayers go out to all of you. No words can express the deep sorrow I feel for you. May God keep you in His loving arms and care in the days ahead. Much love in His name. Donna |
Joey Williams |
Freind/Customer |
Wrightsville/Dublin |
GA |
sorry, ya'll-- |
willie and connie lattimore |
customer |
dublin |
ga |
we would like to give our deepest sympathes darrell was always so nice and he never forgot who you were no matter how it had been since he seen you our prayers and thoughts are with you and may god bless and keep your family |
B |
East Dublin |
Ga |
It is heart breaking to lose a friend or family member, and to be so sudden it is compounded with shock. May the Grace Of God comfort friends and family in this time. |
Marie and Richie Lamb |
Internet Customer |
Wrightsville |
Georgia |
Sorry to hear about Darrell. May God Bless You and the Family. |
keith johnson |
customer |
e. dublin |
for some reason the lord alway's calls his special one's home first, as was this, he and his frienship and knowledge will be missed deeply. my prayers are with you all |
mattie salter |
customer |
dublin |
ga. |
MAY god bless you and keep you.THOUGH I did not know DARRELL on a person level.I know how it feels to lose a love one. |
Pastor Dorothy Simmons |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
We at The House of Refuge Ministries were sorry to hear about the loss. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. May God be your refuge, comfort and strength during this difficult time.
Blessings upon you! |
Wayne & JoAnn Hutcheson |
Customer |
Kite |
Ga. |
There is no words to say how sorry we are about the lost of a kind friend, husband, and father.I know how helpful Darrell was because I called him serval times to say "HELP" I don't know how to work this computor. He always just laughted. Our hearts go out to his wife,childern, and all his family and friends. You all are in our prayers. |
Carl Axson |
Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
I had the pleasure of being acquainted with Darrell before he started Micro-Management, and greatly regret of having to speak of him in the past tense. Why must the good ones leave so soon? |
Angela Browning |
customer |
Glenwood |
GA |
My prayers are with you all of you.I did not know Mr. Harrell, but my mother thought a great deal of him. |
Sharon Vaughn |
Church Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Mrs.Connie,Dustin,&Jesse, My heart goes out to ya'll in this time of loss.It's still unreal to me, I can't believe it. I was just talking to him the night before.He always had something to tell you that made you laugh.I will truly miss him.All we can do now is just turn to God for comfort---and all we know is that God needed an extra angel in heaven and Mr.Darrell was the best one for the job.Mrs.Connie,Dustin,Jesse,Just knowing that he is heaven we'll give you some relief.The Harrell Family&Micro-Management Family is in my prayers,Love,Sharon P.s.Dustin,now you and Jesse can fight over Mrs. Connie's food. lol |
Bobby and Stephanie Thomas |
customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Connie, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Darrell will be greatly missed. |
jetta green andrews |
friend |
dublin |
georgia |
I will miss seeing his smiling face. |
Brenda |
friend |
dublin |
georgia |
Dear Connie,Jessy & Dusty, Our family has gotten to know thru the past several years and we want to express our deepest sympathy for you at this time. It was a pleasure to see Darrell at NLAmerica he always had a smile for everyone and was a great help to a lot of us...Peace be with you and may the Holy Spirit be a comfort to you and your family. We love and care for you all..May the Holy Spirit be with each and every member of the NLAmerica team. God Bless You All ! |
Kenny Martin |
Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
Darrell was a great guy to be around and talk to. He had accomplished alot in his short time here on earth. I'll miss the talks he and I use to have when I was either in his place of business or he in mine. Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with Connie and the kids and everyone at MMS. If there is anything we can do, do not hesitate to call. |
Carol & David Hartley |
Net Line America customer |
East Dublin |
Ga 31027 |
Our thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of you. May God bless you and take care of you. David used to be your gas man when he worked with Suburban Propane. Lots of thoughts goes out to Lona Harrell |
Jerry Williams |
NetLine Customer |
Adrian |
Georgia |
I express my condoles to Darrell family and co-workers. He was a very good man, my prays go out to his family. |
Cassandra |
Friend |
Chester |
Ga |
Connie, Dustin, Jesse and all the MM team my thoughts and prayers are with each of you as you face the days and weeks ahead. Darrell and I went through school together and like we all so often do when we graduate we had lost touch. Then I decided to purchase a computer and happened to go to NLA and ran across Darrell, Connie and the Gang.
Through the years I found that Darrell was still as witty and cheerful as he had always been. He still had his love for life and love for his family and friends. As I was in and out of the store more I was often impressed by the way Darrell interacted with his staff. The love and respect that each of you have for each other is evident and the love Darrell had for his family was always obvious. I know that you all have suffered a great loss. Darrell will be missed by all who knew him. I am thankful I had the opportunity to be reacquainted with Darrell these past few years and am thankful I met the rest of the Gang. I feel that my life has been truly blessed. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Janice Ballard |
customer |
Dudley |
GA |
Just wanted to tell you all that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Darrell was a great guy. You all built my first and second home computer and one for me at work. From that first day, and many afterward, when I would call and ask what I called dumb questions, Darrell told me there were no dumb questions. He was always very patient with me and made me feel like a friend more than a customer. I'll be thinking of you and praying for all of you. Much love, Janice Ballard |
Barry Walker & Staff |
Client & Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Darrell will be missed so much. It is hard to believe. Our thought and prayers are with Connie and their family including the Micro-Management Family. Please let us know if we can do any thing at all. I am out of the country and wish I could be there.
Barry |
Mr. & Mrs. Miller Massey |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
We were so sorry to learn of Darrell death. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and the staff at Micro-Management. God Bless all of you. |
Larry and Merle Waldrep |
Friends |
Dexter |
Georgia |
Alice Nesbitt |
Customer |
Wrightsvbille |
Ga |
Sorry to hear about Darrell. |
William Coleman |
Chruch Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Mrs Connie , Dust & Jess May God Bless You All And Help On Your Ways, i Know This Is A Hard Time For You All And Yall Are In My Prayer. SunDay Night at chruch i saw Darrell Siting And Talking And Being Happy, But That Night The Youth Sung a Song And I . The Sunny Side Of Life, I Hope This Well Make Yall Feel Better As You read This Song.I and The Youth Love You All. God Bless.
Keep On The Sunny Side There's a dark and a troubled side of life There's a bright and a sunny side too Though we meet with the darkness and strife The sunny side we also may view
Keep on the sunny side always on the sunny side Keep on the sunny side of life It will help us every day it will brighten all our way If we keep on the sunny side of life
Oh the storm and its fury broke today Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear The clouds and storm will in time pass away The sun again will shine bright and clear
Let us greet with a song of hope each day Though the moment be cloudy or fair Let us trust in our Savior always To keep us every one in His care |
Connie Smith |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
We, the staff of Dublin/Laurens Commission on Children, Youth and Families (Family Connection) would like to express our deepest and sincere sympathy as you go through this difficult time. Just know that God does not make any mistakes and He will never put more on us than we can bear. Darrell has just crossed a path that we all must pass one day. Darrell will never be forgotten for he will live on in the hearts of you, your family, friends, customers and acquaintences. Please know that our prayers are with you and your family. God Bless You! |
Bobby Everly |
Customer+ |
Dublin |
Georgia |
May God bless us all... with more like Darrell. Respectfully yours- Bobby Everly
Elton Dean |
friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Connie and Boys,
Charlie and I met you and Darrell when you opened your store on hwy.80. Darrell was always willing to help and answer questions whenever needed. Darrell was one of the most postive and cheerful persons I have ever known. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends. Memories are a precious thing. Use them to help you through the hard times. Charlie, Patrick and I will keep you in our prayers. |
Mandy |
customer |
East Dublin |
Ga. |
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know that we will keep you in our prayers. It has always been a pleasure doing business with you guys. Everyone there has always been so kind hearted and very helpful!! Please know that he is in a very special place and we will all see him again someday.
To all the family and staff at MMS..Keep looking up and know that Darrell is smiling down on all of you!! God Bless & Much Love!! |
Todd Beasley |
Friend, Employee, Student |
Cochran |
Ga |
Darrell was always my friend..from the time I came in for help and then when i joined the MMS/NLA team...He was an excellent friend, mentor and boss...He made working at the shop a pleasure and an adventure..there was nothing he would not take on and then succeed with it....Darrell taught me more than he or anyone knows. He taught about relating with others, relating with computers and more than anything about relating with myself...Darrell they broke the mold when you were made and I can not express the loss I feel now...You are and will always be my "D-man"...I will miss you |
Teresa Upshaw |
customer |
East Dublin |
Ga. |
I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my Mother last year so I feel your pain. I'm so sorry.I will keep you in my prayers. |
Larry G. Waldrep |
Friend & customer |
Dexter |
Georgia |
Connie and Kids, There is nothing we could say that would make the pain easier, but we have been and will continue to pray that the Father will send His Holy Spirit to comfort you. Darrell was one of the kindest and most friendly people we have ever met. Several years ago when I was a principal at East Laurens Elementary and completely against computers, Darrell brought me around. He lovingly laughed at me and then with me. I told Dustin that he will have to laugh with me when I come into the business, because I still don't know much about computers and less computer talk. We love you and are praying for you and your family. |
Carl Waters |
Friend, customer, teacher |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie and all of the family - Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Our friend will be missed! |
J. H.Graham |
customer |
Rockledge |
Ga |
Darrell will be greatly missed. He was a very nice person to do business with. Connie and family, keep your trust in God - He will help you through this trying time. God Bless You! |
Tony Harden |
Customer/friend/student |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell wasn't in the education field but I put that I am a student of Darrell because I learned so much from him. It is Darrell that is indirectly, and in many cases directly, for me learning so much of the windows basics that many of us take for granted. I think about the day that he patiently stayed tied up with me trying to explain the very basics of making a webpage with html while he had important representatives from the phone company waiting for him. I have watched the business that Darrell was an owner of grow and have many times compared him to my late uncle Waylon Scott. I learned from several talks with Darrell that he was a very detoved father to his children. I wish Connie, Dustin, and Jesse, the very best because I know that Darrell would want them to find a reason each day to smile. |
elizabethwomble |
businessd |
dublin |
ga |
Although I did not know Darrell personally, he was always coureous and pleasant when I did need his help. May God Bless You . |
Bonnie R. |
Customer |
Byron |
GA |
To Connie and the NLAmerica family - when people ask me what is nlamerica and where is it, I reply by saying that it is a company where you can talk to the president - that's what I really like about this company and the company is made up of its' people - all of you are so wonderful and I know that you will follow very closely in Darrell's footsteps because it is just the right thing to do - keep Darrells' dreams alive and keep greeting your customers with those infectious smiles - just like we have been friends for years -thank you, Darrell, for the "family" feeling! |
Bobbie Thomas |
Friend/Dustomer |
Cadwell |
Ga |
Connie May God hold you in His lovig arms and help you through the days ahead. My heart aches for you ,Dustin,Jessie and all th MM Team. My prayers are with you. Darrell will be greatly missed by all. With Love Bobbie |
Susan Shepard |
customer |
Bartow |
GA |
Connie, You are in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless and keep you. |
Payne Family |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
This is a tragic loss, May God bless the family, you will be in our prayers. |
Angela |
Customer |
East Dublin |
Georgia |
I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. May God continue to keep you and your family. |
Gene & Linda Clark |
Customer & Friend |
Dexter |
Ga |
Darrell, will be greatly missed. You are in our thoughts and prayers. May God Bless. |
Fitzgerald |
customer/friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
God was truely having a good day when he created Darrell. He gave him all the qualificaions that any one ever needed to be a son, father, comapanion,and A true friend to his fellow man. I have been blessed to have known him, his family, and associaes. " Mr. Mack" |
Neal Martin |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
I am in shock about Darrell. When I first moved to Dublin to teach I ALWAYS knew I could count on him to straighten my stuff out. To spend time with Darrell was a complete trip, he ALWAYS had a story and ALWAYS spent time with you. I will miss his wit and his humor. Thanks Darrell! Connie and the boys, GOD bless you. |
Joey Smith |
Friend and Former Employee |
Soperton |
GA |
Connie, I am terribly sorry to hear about this. I always looked up to Darrell. He taught me a lot, not just about computers, but about life in general. Darrell was a good man. He will be sorely missed. If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to ask.
-Joey Smith |
Beverly Dudley |
Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
To Darrell's wife, children, family and extended family at Micro-Management, you will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. |
Sheena John |
friend |
Orange County |
California |
My Heartfelt and Deepest Sympathy to all.. "Those who touch our lives stay in our hearts forever..." |
J Adcock |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Deepest sympathy to all of Darrell's Family & Friends. I'm sure Darrell will be missed by many but forgotten by none. May GOD bless, comfort, and keep You all in the days to come. |
della lovett |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I did not know Mr Harrell personally, but help was always friendly when I visited the Micromanagment office. He waited on me a few time and I never knew he was the manager. He seemed very concerned to be a part of great customer service, along with his great smile. So Sorry to hear of your loss. May, God be with you and your family through these HARD Times. |
Deborah Cannon |
Acquaintance |
Nicholls |
Georgia |
Dear Dustin and Family, I had the pleasure of teaching you in 4th grade at SWLE and getting to know your family. I am so sorry for the loss of your father. It is my prayer that God will give you comfort during this very difficult time in your lives. Sometimes we do not understand why those we love are taken away from us so suddenly, but we know that God will be by your side to comfort you and the family. |
Vickie Shepard |
friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Darrell will always be one of my favorite people. He was always so funny and uplifting. I never saw or talked to him when he didn't make me laugh. I've known him since high school, and he and Connie were some of my best friends. Darrell never changed in all of the years I knew him. I loved him because he was what he was, and he was always the same thing, everytime you saw him. I am proud of the accomplishments he made in his life. He was a wonderful husband, father, business man, and person. I am blessed, like so many other people to have known him, but I am honored to have called him my friend.
Connie, Dustin, and Jesse, I love you all. You are in my constant thoughts and prayers. God just gave us another reason to want to go to Heaven. |
Bill & Cheryl Giles & Family |
customers |
Adrian |
GA |
Connie, Dustin, Jesse, and Netline family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you all! |
Eric&Martha Yawn |
netline customer |
Alamo |
Ga |
To all of the Harrell family, you are in our prayers, may god bless you and keep you strong, and know that GOD only takes the best. To Joe, hold your head high be strong and help Darrell's family keep his dreams going.You can do it, Just take the lord by the hand and you'll have all you need. All our Love Eric&Martha |
Tony Harden |
Friend/customer/student |
Dublin |
GA |
I listed myself as a student of Darrell because it's Darrell that was indirectly, and in many cases directly, responsible for me learning everything that I know about computers and the net. I wouldn't be typing this message if it weren't for Darrell's teaching, help, and patience in the past. I know that Darrell was a very devoted father and that I hope Connie, Dustin, and Jesse will find atleast one reason to smile each day. |
Ben Allen |
Friend |
Cadwell |
Ga |
I could never explain to everyone what the Harrel family is experiencing right now. What I can do is, tell Dustin i'm here for you buddy... i know how you and your family feel and the only thing that will heal you is time. Though you'll never forget the times you had with Darrel, his memory's and ways will be with your family forever. Never give up hope, youknow your dad better than anyone, he'd have you fixin these folks' computers! |
A Friend |
"I Know"
I said, "God, I hurt." And God said, "I know."
I said, "God, I cry a lot." And God said, "That is why I gave you tears."
I said, "God, I am so depressed." And God said, "That is why I gave you Sunshine."
I said, "God, life is so hard." And God said, "That is why I gave you loved ones."
I said, "God, my loved one died." And God said, "So did mine."
I said, "God, it is such a loss." And God said, "I saw mine nailed to a cross."
I said, "But God, your Loved One lives." And God said, "So does yours."
I said, "God, where are they now?" And God said, "Mine is on my right and yours is in the Light."
I said, "God, it hurts." And God said, "I know."
Dawn Drew |
NLA Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
I can only imagine the pain you are all feeling. My prayers are with you. |
Veatrice Rozier |
Friend and cusomer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie and family, we have truly lost a good hearted person. I would like to let you all know how much Darrel meant to me. He helped me to learn so much about computers when I first started working in the computer lab at East Laurens Elementary. My prayers are with you. I am sorry Connie for not holding back the tears at the funeral home, but seeing him lying there smiling and not being activive just went all over me. Also, I knew I would not see his smiling face again. Lean on the Lord for your strength. He will strengthen you all each day. |
Rhonda Soles |
customer/friend |
Meeks |
Ga |
Connie & boys, micromanagement staff and extended family: For such a great loss, I sit here trying to think of some comforting words that will in some small way help to ease the pain. I realize that there simply aren't that many. What comes to mind right now is the simple prayer that was so special to my Mama when she was still with us: "Lord, Please help me to remember that nothing is going to happen to me today that You and I together can't handle!" Please know that so many people love and care for you and will keep you in their constant prayers. Darrell...You are truly missed! Love & Prayers, Rhonda Soles |
Paul and Kellie Purvis |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Sorry for your loss, we are praying for all of you. |
brenda |
customer and friend darrell |
east dublin |
ga |
connie, you and the staff at nlamerica are in our thoughts and prays. brenda and family |
Mike Tanner |
Customer & Friend |
East Dublin |
Ga. |
Darrell, Remember when I had the store next to you at the old location down the street and the keyless entry to my truck would unlock and lock that little car of yours that you had back then? You got Connie, Tony and Danille to come outside to show them why your car would mysteriously be locked or unlocked at the end of the day. You keep saying, "But my car did not come with a keyless entry feature when I bought it!" Boy did we laugh about that. That Smiling face and sense of Humor every time I saw you, THIS is what I am gonna MISS about you Darrell! I guess God has you building a internet service to help spread his word out to the would. Well, he got the BEST when he called you home. Connie, Dustin, Jesse, Tony, Danille, Joe and everyone at M.M.S. Keep Smiling cause Darrell is Smiling down on you! My Love and Prayers are with you. Mike Tanner |
Rena Jump |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie,Dustin,Jesse and Ms. Lona, I just want to let you know that you are in my prayers and in my heart. I love you all so very much and I too love Darrell. He was a great and loving man and I am so proud to have been his friend. I know that words can not help at this time. I only pray that God will help us all learn to adjust to this great loss. I am here for you all and if there is anything I can do please let me know. I have known you and Darrell since 1983 and watched him and you grow into a loving and beautiful family. I was blessed to be a part of it all. God Bless You, and Darrell will always live in our hearts and in the life of your beautiful and loving boys. I love you my friend, Rena Jump
I Want You To Know by Angela A brief moment of darkness was all that I knew, before Heaven's Gate came into my view.
Loved ones and friends I had missed for many years, welcomed me with open arms and many happy tears.
All the hurt, fear and pain that I have ever known, is gone from my life, I am finally home.
I gazed upon the Lord's sweet smiling face, and for the first time in my life I knew and felt His grace.
I know that you miss me, but please dry your eyes. I will always be watching and loving you from my home in the sky.
A cool breeze on your face, a touch of light rain, I will send as a reminder that we will be reunited again.
Life on earth is but one brief moment in time, I am finally home, Eternity is mine.
Joel & Cherrie Blackburn |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
I didn't know Darrell personaly, but I have just recently got to know his family. They are really nice people. I know that he was too. Guys, you are in our prayers. If you need anything please let me know.
Joel & Cherrie |
Leroy & Della Coates |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
With deepest sympathy to the Harrell Family during the loss of your loved one. |
Trippin Motorsports |
Mark & Nina Padgett-Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie & NLA Employees, We just wanted to let you all know how much we will miss seeing Darrell's smiling face when we come into the store. He always greeted us with a smile. This is a hard time for all who loved Darrell, but just remember you can always turn to GOD, He gives us no more than we can handle. May GOD bless you all. Call if you need to.
Love, Mark & Nina Padgett |
Ray Battle |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
We will all miss Darrell mightily, but he leaves a willing, cheerful spirit for us to remember and try to live up to. May he rest in peace and may we find peace over his departure. |
Tina Berry_Guyton |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
My prayers are with you as you mourn the loss of your loved one. |
wyatt mortgage |
cutomer/friend |
dublin |
ga |
connie and children,staff of micro-management: please accept our heartfelt sympathy. we trust that god will comfort and strenghten you. we cannot imagine the depth of your loss but please take comfort in knowing that you will see him again one day. |
Phyllis Popovich |
NLA Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
I am so sorry for your loss. Although I did not know Darrell personally, I have visited your business many times over several years, and have always been greeted with friendly smiles. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Phyllis Popovich |
Mildred Knight |
Customer |
Wrightsville |
Ga. |
Dear Connie and Family, I am so sorry for the loss of Darrell. May God bless and sustain you now and in the coming days ahead. He will be there for you, rely on him. |
Little House Self Storage |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Our hearts and prayers go out to Darrell's family & to the staff of MMS. Darrell has always been a wonderful help to our business. We will truly miss him. |
Candi Flury |
Friend of Dustin's |
Dublin |
GA |
Dustin, I know many people will say they know how you feel. I am one of those. I lost my Dad on April 2,2005. Words can never express the hurt you feel. Just know that Darrell is looking down from Heaven. You will never be without him. His legecy will live on through you. I never knew your dad on a personal level but he helped us out at the law office of Luman Earle. I have been told that you are your dad's child. I know its hard but never give up. Be strong for your mom and Jesse. If you need ANYTHING at all, day or night please feel free to call me.272-1559. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Love in Christ, Candi |
Sandra E. Hall |
customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Condolences to Mr. Harrell's family, friends, staff, and all who knew and loved him. GOD bless!
Oliver Kao |
Friend |
Atlanta |
GA |
Rest in peace. May God bless your soul, family and friends. |
Karen Hightower |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Dear Connie, Dustin, Jessie and everyone at MMS. Darrell was a one of kind guy. He will be truly missed by everyone. Know that Heaven just got a little busier, because as Mr. Keith said he will be trying to upgrade their system. Connie, you and Darrell built a legacy for your sons and I do treasure the memories that I and my Dusty have of your family. May God continue to watch over you and know that Darrell is only a prayer away. |
Gene Crafton |
friend/customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
The overwhelming response about Darrell speaks volumes about him. We can all learn something from such a wonderful person who loved his familiy and friends, his job, and life itself. He will always be in the back of our mind forever and his spirit will take us forward. |
brenda (dr. moorman's office) |
customer |
dublin |
ga |
Connie, from everyone at Dr. Moorman's office--our heartfelt sympathy goes out to you, the boys and MM staff. May God bless each of you. |
Elmo & Betty Cooper |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
We are so sorry to hear of your loss,you will remain in our prayers. |
Jeff and Kathy Harrison |
Customer |
Dudley |
GA |
Darrell was such a caring and supportive person. He always took time to answer all our computer questions no matter how insignificent they seemed. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. |
Mary & Donny |
customer |
Adrian |
Ga |
We are deeply sorry for your loss and will be praying for your family, we will miss him greatly, Mr, Mrs Lincoln |
Jonathan Goode |
Friend Of Dustin |
Atlanta |
GA |
Dustin, I can not begin to imagine to pain you are in. Brother I just want you to know I am praying for you. God often uses seemingly aweful, heart-breaking circumstances as a way to show the comfort that only he can provide. Brother, all though we are all here for ya, know this, that whenever we are all gone, YOUR GOD IS STILL RIGHT BESIDE YOU, HOLDING ALL THE LOVE YOU CAN DESIRE, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS REACH FOR IT!! Hope to see ya soon brother, take care! |
GA |
GA |
Hasan Jamal |
Atlanta |
GA |
May his soul rest in peace |
Buddy & Lissa Milks { milkman} |
customer |
Dublin |
Ga. |
I never had the pleasure of personely knowing Darrell, but I know that , "THE GANG", has always been helpful to me when I needed answers, & that says that Darrell only wanted The Best of the Best" taking care of his business.Darrell has put his faith in all of you & he probably will expect alot from you. My heart goes out to all of you & I feel sure Darrell is looking down over you & watching you as you finish what he had taught you, kindness, love, understanding, & that even though this time is a gray time for you that he wants you to carry on as if he was away on vacation. You will see him again if you can live your life as he lived his. I have read some of the messages & the messages alone is a testimony to Darrell"s life. So, "Gang", hold your head high & look toward heaven when you need to feel Darrell"s spirit, he will show you that he is home & happy,& still with you, but sad that all of you are saddened. Laughter is good for the soul & I do beleive if you are having a bad day you need to go out side or in another room & say what you need to say to Darrell, he will hear you. When you feel the sunshine on your face, or see the rain coming down, or see a butterfly , or hear a bird chirp, these are your answers from Darrell & he is saying he is doing "GREAT", there could not be any better message for you. Remember his smile, his jokes{ and tell them over & over again} & laugh out load.Share things with your customers that you remember about Darrell. Remember " the Best of the Best ,"is still with you in your mind & heart & with your memories you will never forget a great mentor you had. I have always pictured heaven in my mind as a beautiful place, with no pain or sorrow & the love ones that went ahead of us there are smiling & waiting for the time when we come there to Live our Life.On this earth I do not think we know what Living really is , because there are always so much pain in every day surroundings,& living & in heaven you will see known of that.
Connie, children, NLAmerica Gang, please know you have a lot of people that have you in their hearts & prayers & you can always turn to the Lord for help!! "God Bless All of You", Buddy & Lissa |
Ashleigh Hardy |
Connie And Darrell's neice |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie you are in our prays, we will greatly miss Darrell. He was the best , he always had time for any and everybody. I love you,Dustin,and Jesse. |
Ed & B.J. Achord |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, We've been told that eyes are the windows of the soul--if that be true, then Darrell had one of the most beautiful souls to be found. Ed and I will miss him when we visit the store but you and the boys will miss him more than any of us. God bless you as you struggle to build your life again. You know where you can find us if you need us. |
Mary Alice Bateman |
Student |
Dublin |
Connie and Tony. Darrell and Tony took me, patiently, from that dumb old lady who never knew anything about computers, from their first days in The Oaks store to the place that I can now do some great things. Darrell's influence in my business life has been immeasurable. He will be sorely missed by me and the entire computer industry. I am keeping you all in my prayers. |
Trophy Quest International |
friends |
dublin |
ga |
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the family and to everyone at Micro- Managenet and NLA. |
EG "Gail" Kight |
customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
As I travel across the country singing, I'm often asked about NL America. I've had friends say they've never heard of it and think I should sign up with one of their companies. When I tell them that I can pick up the phone and talk to someone who listens and is eager to help with my problem, etc., they change their minds. I think it's great to have hometown people like Darrell who actually take up time with their customers and really care. We're all very lucky to have had Darrell look after us and he's trained his "gang" well. May his kind spirit live on! Keep a song in your heart.
Kensy Leigh Wilcher |
Scott, Georgia |
Dustin: Little did we know just a few short weeks ago when we were introduced that this tragedy would lie so shortly ahead. I have always been of the belief that things happen for a reason. Sometimes we don’t exactly understand the reason, but regardless of the good Lord’s reason, I’ve somehow ended up being the one closest to you through the loss of your dad. I hope in some small way that even I don’t understand, I’ve cheered you up and made you laugh and been the support that you’ve needed through every tear. I have felt extremely inadequate and lost for words all week. I can’t begin to imagine getting the call that we got Monday evening and the news being that I had lost my daddy. So… putting myself in your shoes is impossible. All I can say is that I will do anything and everything within my power to be a friend (or comedian, which I don’t mean to be, but I am most of the time), and even more when you need me. I realize that the days and weeks ahead will be very difficult for you, Mrs. Connie, Jess, and all the gang at “The Store”. My family & I will be praying for all of you. I just want you to know that I am here for you anytime. P.S. Oh and not just anybody gets to throw me in the pool and get away with it.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of ya’ll! I love ya’ll!!
Fain Powel |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
We're sure going to miss you. But, I know Heaven is going to be a more fun place. |
GA. |
Edwin Hall |
friend |
Garretta |
Georgia |
To all of Darell's family and friends,
Darrell did not die; he went home. Maybe God needed someone to fix the computers in Heaven or someone to make Him laugh. He got both with Darrell. |
Reece Lester - Caring Companions |
Friend/Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Though I knew Darrell from trading in the store, I probably knew him better from the early days of Micro Mgt. when he "gave" me computer help over the phone. I had not even bought my computer from him. He was always patient and intent on solving my problem - never showing disdain for my obvious computer ignorance. Truly a good-hearted man who found his niche and blessed many with his talents. My prayers will continue for the family and business associates. Reece Lester |
Cindy Claxton |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Your family has my heartfelt sympathy. May God bless and keep you during this time of tragedy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. |
Blackshear Ferry Catering Co.-Ken Hughes, Kay Hugh |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie and Staff we are praying for you and hope through God's strength you will keep the wonderful memories of such a wonderful friend continuing forever. May God Bless You! Darrell was a wonderful friend and the entire staff at Micro-management are wonderful to work with. We are very sorry for your loss. |
Kim Cook & Ryan Cook |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
We are very sorry for your loss he will be greatly missed. We are praying for you. God Bless You! |
Carleen Bracewell |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie, Dustin, Jesse and the gang I hurt so much for all of you. Darrell was a friend, I belive to everyone he met. As Todd's Mom, I hurt especially for him. Darrell was not only an employer, but a good friend. I met him thru Todd and several times I had to call on He and Todd to help me with computer and other things, Darrell never once turned me down. He was a giving person and will be miss by all who knew him. If I can be of any help at all, please let me know. |
Carolyn Nuss |
customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Our deepest sympathies and prayers go out to Darrell's family at this time. Always remember that watching a loved one leave is the beginning of waiting to see that person again, and you will see Darrell again. We are guaranteed this through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has made this possible for us. It really gives us something to look forward to. God's speed be with you all - Love in Christ, Brooks & Carolyn Nuss and Brooks, Jr. |
Cheryl Braswell |
Business |
Dublin |
GA |
Everyone at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Laurens County, Inc. has the family in their prayers. |
Tammy Graham |
Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Darrell sold me my first computer and I think I almost drove him crazy but he was always patient, kind and helpful. I never saw him when he wasn't smiling. I'm sure he still is. My thoughts and prayers are with you. |
Leon Horne |
Friend/ Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I have known Darrell for many years. He ALWAYS made time for everyone no matter how busy or tired. Choose to remember the goodness and kindness shown every day. |
Britt Smith |
friend, customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
To Darrell's family and friends, I am deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Darrell, I am in Iraq and can only tell you that he ran a business like it should be. Darrell fostered new ideas and took chances. He also made you enjoy walking into his place of business, that also goes for Connie and the whole crew. God bless ya'll please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you as I continue my tour and I'll see you soon. Britt Smith |
Danny Radney |
NetLine America Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I don't know anything to say to help, except, God bless you. |
Lou Duggins |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell, I will miss you tremendously. I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know you better these past couple of years. I will miss our talks and your jokes that always put a smile on my face. You were never too busy if you saw that I had something troubling me or if I needed anything. You are one of a kind and this place will not be the same without you. Connie, please know that I am here for whatever you need. You and the boys are in my constant thoughts and prayers! I love you all! |
Ben and Joy Baker |
Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I've known Darrell and Connie for quite some time, and was often known as their "Christmas Baby". Darrell and his whole family are great examples of the American Dream, and a meaningful part of this community. In a world where customer service and common courtesy are rarely found, Darrell managed to live by the old tradition of "Service with a Smile"! The fruits of his life are evident thru his business, friends, and family. The Harrell family will be in our thoughts and prayers. Darrell will be sorely missed, but lovingly remembered.
Ben Baker |
Kim Veal - Four Seasons |
client - friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Our hearts and prayers are with you every day. May God be your comforter and strengthen you during this time. Darrell gave us many happy memories with his humor and always made us smile from his good and fair personality. |
Carol and TG Simmons |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
May God Bless you and your family, we are keeping you all in our hearts and prayers! |
Phillip Spivey |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Connie, I am so sorry to about Darrell, he will greatly missed by a lot of people both personally and professionally. I remember the first time I met Darrell when he worked with at Cullens Supply, he was always upbeat and fun loving and we had a great time his short time there. He always was ready with a quick wit and a smile which was a needed quality when dealing with the public. He was a good man and friend. My prayers are with you and the boys. The Bible tells us that life on earth is only for a short time compared to our life in eternity and I looked forward to the day I see that smile in Heaven. |
Dot Snell |
Dustin's Teacher/Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
You are in my thoughts and prayers. |
Rid & Dee Glover |
friend and customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
For many years Darrell, Connie and Tony have helped us through a maze of computers and problems. Without fail, all the MicroManagement "gang" was fun to work with; and had the patience of Job with us. Darrell was always so cheerful and helpful. We'll miss him terribly. Our prayers are with Connie, the kids, Tony and employees of MMS. |
Lila & Grady Weatherly |
Dublin |
Georgia |
31021 |
We have been a customer of NLA for several years, and we appreciate so much what Darrell did for us in helping with computer problems. He was always so cheerful and ready to help with whatever we encountered that we didn't know how to deal with. We will miss him so much. Connie, Family, and Employees of NLA, our prayer is that God will comfort you and give you strength to get through this difficult time. May God bless all of you. |
GA |
Kelly & Jennifer Malcolm |
Customer |
East Dublin |
Ga |
Sorry for the loss of your loved one. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Michelle Maddox |
niece |
Cartersville |
GA |
Uncle "D" you will be greatly missed. I cannot begin to list the positive influence you have left on my life much less Kevin's. You were his mentor amd confidant in every aspect of his life. He loved you more than you could ever know and I did too. I am so thankful I married into this family and was able to have you as apart of my life. I will truly miss you and the will miss the many times you made me smile. I will hold on to those memories for the years to come and reminisce when I need a good laugh. WE LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!! Connie, Grandma and boys I love you all very much and will remember you in prayer everyday. Michelle |
Liz Corbin |
Customer, friend and a part of your computer famil |
Dublin |
There is so much to be said and we never realize there is never enough time to say it. Like many others, I can remember the "Local Chat". In the beginning ...Darell always had the time to help you understand what you did wrong when the "thing" locked up and fix it ...and even though Darell ( Micro Management) grew into a very sucessful Company, He would still take the time to explain how to "fix" it. He was one Super person and we will miss him. Gang, keep up the good work, and make Darrell proud. Connie just cherish the memories! Those are yours and yours alone! |
Ken, Melinda and Ansley DeLoach |
Friends and Customers |
Dexter |
Ga. |
Brandon Tanner |
Customer/ Dustin's Friend |
East Dublin |
Ga |
From the very bottom of my heart I can't tell you enough how sorry I feel for you and your family. I have never received anything less than very courteous and caring service from all of you. Good Luck buddy, keep your head up. My deepest and most heartfelt prayers go out to you and all of your family. God Bless. |
Wallace Lemons |
customer/friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I was deeply sadden when I heard the tragic news regarding Darrell. He was a very kind, friendly, and helpful person. Each time I talked to him about problems I was experiencing with my computer he took his time and made me feel like a special customer, even though he had thousands more. Darrell will be missed by all. I will be praying for the Harrell Family. |
Carol Stroberg |
customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I will miss those smiling eyes and friendly greetings when I visit Micro Management. Although I did not know Darrell well, I do know he was a man whom my father, "Mr. Mack," counted as a friend. He will remain with us, however, inside each person whose life he touched. The numerous messages on this site and the countless number who have not written but have been touched by his life are a testament to his impact on our community. I will keep all of you in my prayers as you navigate through this difficult time. May God bless you and keep you. |
Karl & Betty Senn |
Customer |
Rockledge |
GA |
May God's love and comfort surround you all. |
Leesa Anderson |
Customer |
Swainsboro |
Georgia |
I was shocked and saddenend to hear of Darrell's death. I have been praying for you and your family and all of the employees at Micro Management ever since I heard the news. I will never forget the day that Darrell went to Home Depot with me to show me all of the networking tools I would need. I was impressed that day with his kindness and concern for me personally, even though he didn't know me very well. I can see from all of the other guestbook entries that he treated everyone that way. I cannot imagine the deep loss that you are feeling right now. Please know that I am praying for you. Only our faithful Heavenly Father can comfort you now, and I am trusting Him to do that for you and everyone at Micro Management.
Sincerely, Leesa |
Mamawood |
Friend/Customer |
East Dublin |
GA |
Connie and family, Darrell always made time for me when I had a question about computers. I will always remember the smile he always had on his face. I know he is in heaven smiling and cracking jokes with the angels. He will be greatly missed. |
Chris Graham |
customer |
rentz |
ga |
Kenny Walters |
Customer/Friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darrell was a friend in deed when we all was in need. He always took time for his customers. He will be greatly missed. My God bless his family. |
Melinda Dulmage |
Friend and Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
To Connie and the extended family at MMS, There are no words to express my heartfelt sympathy for your and your family. Darrell, you and the guys at MMS were there in my time of need. If you need anything, please do not hestitate to give me a call. May God bless and keep you and your children. You are in my prayers. |
Lynn Smith |
Friend (high school) |
Fernandina Beach |
Florida |
Dear Connie, Words cannot express the sorrow in our heats for you and your family after the loss of Darrell. He was and always will be the light of your heart... you and your family are in my prayers... much love and thoughts, Lynn Smith |
Pastor Belinda Mitchell |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie my heart goes out to you and the family, but the Lord will see you through this time.You are in my prayers. |
Steve & Sandra Gore |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell was a very caring, funny & smart man. He will truly be missed. |
Leslie Henderson |
Friends |
East Dublin |
Georgia |
I was blessed to have known Darrell,and I will miss talking to and seeing him. |
Fumiko Carver |
Aunt |
Fairfax |
VA |
Darrell, I still can hear your voice calling me "Fumi-chan". I still can see your serious face ready to make me laugh. I'm sorry you had to leave us after you told me that it was time to return and help community. Darrell, meet me inside the gate when my time comes. Not at the gate. I love you so much and I will love you forever. |
Fumiko Carver |
Aunt |
Fairfax |
VA |
Darrell, I still can hear your voice calling me "Fumi-chan". And I still can see your serious face ready to make me laugh. Derrell, I'm Sorry that you had to leave us after telling me that it was time to return and help community. Darrell, meet me inside the gate when my time comes. Not at the gate. I love you so much and I will love you forever. |
Morris Robertson, Barbara & Penny |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darrell was truly a very gifted yet very free-spirited guy. Penny says that he had the best Cookie Monster imitation that she ever heard! All of us here at Morris S. Robertson, P.C., share in your loss. You are all in our thoughts and will be for many months to come. If we can help in any way, please let us know. |
Thelma Hillier |
Friend & customer |
Dublin |
Ga. |
I could tell Mr. Harrell was a Christian just by talking to him. I am sad that I didn't pray for his safety like I do for my children. My son, Gary, was thrown 60 feet from his motorcycle when he collided with a truck. He had 2 toes cut off, a foot and leg injury and a stiff neck. He said, " Mama, I thought you had prayed for me." I said: "I did, and if I had not prayed for you, you would be dead." We must remember to pray daily for all those we love...for God's protection. Praise the Lord, Mr. Harrell is in heaven. I'm so sorry for your loss, Sincerely,
Thelma Hillier |
Chris Garrett |
Customer/Buddy |
Rockledge |
Georgia |
Connie you and your two boys will be in my prayers. Darrell was a great friend. He always helped me when i had a question. |
Nicole Howard |
Customer |
East Dublin |
GA |
GA |
Nell Abaher |
Customer |
Soperton |
Ga |
May God bless you all as only He can. |
Doris Braswell |
customer |
Dexter |
GA |
I am so sorry for your loss.My prayers are with you. |
Sharon Hogan |
teacher/customer/friend |
Dublin |
Georgia |
My heart ached as I read about Darrell. I just could not believe it. It seems like yesterday that we purchased our first computer from Micro Management and I really thought that I would drive Darrell crazy, but to my delight, he always was patient and kind and VERY understanding with me and my many questions. Connie, Dustin,and Jesse,I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Some people are on this earth for a long time and contribute little, but Darrell was here for a short time and made huge differences in many lives. Dustin, be proud of your father's accomplishments and follow in his footsteps. You are so much like him.
Connie Daniel |
Friend/customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Connie...My thoughts are with you and the boys..and you are in my prayers and thoughts everyday...Darrell was a great guy and will be deeply missed....I love you ..and if there is anything i can do for YOU, Dustin, or Jesse..please let me know.. |
Jessica Landrum |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, we only new you and Darrell and the boys throught the store. Y'all became very good friends to us and we will miss Darrell. We will be praying for you, Dustin and Jessie. |
Robert & Mary Helen Soles |
Friends |
Scott |
Georgia |
Connie and Family:
I know that the "shock" that we're feeling now is nothing compared to yours and the rest of the family. We have been praying for you all and will continue to pray.
When The Chips are Down
When the chips are down, always look up, Trust in GOD my friend, never in luck.
When the chips are down and you sit in grief, Remember your heavenly Father, He can give relief.
When the heart does ache, it's not a sin, Call on GOD and let the healing begin.
Aches and pain are a part of this life, They come to a husband and also a wife.
Even children rack their mind and brain, Wondering why things happen to cause such pain.
We rack our minds tryin to figure it out, That's when the devil tries to make us doubt.
God doesn't expect us to always understand, All he wants is for us to hold his hand.
Don't think when you pray that he turns a deaf ear, He is always listening and able to cheer.
Will you be bitter or sweet with a great loss? If you have a problem, just look at the cross.
When it seems that you can't go one more hour, Fall to your knees, and let GOD reveal his power.
When the chips are down, just focus on GOD, He will guide your path, as on earth you trod.
Written by Robert Soles (Inspired during my grief of the loss of my brother in an automobile accident in 1999) |
Kristie Martin |
custimer |
Rentz |
GA |
Connie, I am so sorry....Please know that you and the boys are in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you and your family!!! |
Donna Ware |
Customer |
Soperton |
Ga |
May God bess and comfort each one of you!!! |
Rob Jackson |
Friend/Coworker |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell gave me my first job when I moved back to Dublin. Whenever I had a problem Darrell always looked for an answer for me. I will miss him very much. His family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Rob Jackson |
Jessica Robinson |
Dexter |
GA |
My family, my church family at Olivet, and I have you in our prayers. I'm so sorry. |
Mary Ballard |
Customer |
Dublin, |
Georgia |
We all feel a great loss. Darrell will be greatly missed by all of us who depended on him. Our love and sympathy to you and to your families.
Friend/customer |
Dublin |
Ga, |
Darrell has always been well liked and easy to make a friend. Darrell will be remembered as kind,honest, and dedicated to his family and friends. My sorrow and prayer go's out for the family. |
Kay Donaldson |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darrell was a great person and businessman. He will be dearly missed by all of us who had the pleasure of knowing him. May God comfort all of you at Micro-Management Systems because you have tragically lost a wonderful husband, father, and friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you! Truely Darrell, You will be greatly missed! |
Kay Donaldson |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Darrell was a great person and businessman. He will be dearly missed by all of us who had the pleasure of knowing him. May God comfort all of you at Micro-Management Systems because you have tragically lost a wonderful husband, father, and friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you! Darrell, You will be greatly missed! |
p. haag |
customer |
dublin |
ga. |
dear netline family, we are so very sorry about your loss. I am 65 years old and pc illiterate but it is a ecconomical way to stay in touch with my family and friends--my aunt who was dying of cancer to my son and my new grandchild-many times I would call and get Darrell on the phone and he was so patient and kind when he was trying to figure what I had messed up this time. I have been told by another company I was to dumb to own a pc.May God bless his family and comfort them with the knowledge that he touchd so many lives in so many ways. |
Mike and Connie Belote |
Customers |
Dublin |
Georgia |
Even though we did not know Darrell personally, you can tell by looking at the album he was a wonderful husband, father and friend. Our blessings of peace and comfort to the family during such a tragic loss...thank you to the staff of Micro Management for all the help and service during the years...We feel for your loss... |
Fran |
Business |
Dublin |
Ga |
Words don't come easy, but we will miss you ! God Bless. |
Tommy and Jennifer Graham |
Friends / Customers |
Dublin |
GA |
Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Darrell will be missed. |
Phillip Lee |
Friend and Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, Dustin & Jesse,
May God hold you close to him while you deal with this tragedy. Rarely did I visit the store that Darrell did not have something "new" to show me. I will miss that. Darrell was a wonderful man and father. I feel he has made a lasting impact on our community that will not be forgotten. He will live on in our memories. I don't think I have ever known anyone else that possessed the qualities that made Darrel the man he was and I doubt I will ever meet anyone else with those qualities in such abundance. If I can do anything, the Lee's are there for you. Just ask. You are in our prayers and thoughts as you adjust. May God bless you and the kids and keep you near to him. |
Joel Warren |
Employee |
Dublin |
Ga |
Darrell to me was inspiration, he has seen me fall on hard times and he always managed to guide me back to the path he thought I was capable of walking. He never let me down or left me out there on my own. I was always able to pick up the radio or the phone and get help. My heart goes out to Connie (Ma), Dustin, and Jessie as they begin the long road to recovery. Ma you know that you have got the "Netline Gang" by your side all the way to the finish. There will be times when no one knows what to say or do to help, but we will all do our best to make things as easy as they could possibly be. Darrell is one friend in my life that was like no other, with him it was always about the other person. I respected darrell for the way he treated his customers and for as long as I have known him it was always whatever it takes to get the job done right and make the customer happy. If there is anything that I can ever do for you please just call. Thank You |
Tommy cobb |
Friend & customer |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Darrell was one of a kind type of person, He will be missed. Connie you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers |
Billy Jump |
Freind |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie,Dustin,Jesse,Ms.Lona,&MMS Family, I did not know when I got home from work last Monday how drastically all of our lives would be changed in just a few hours. Then a frantic knock came to my door, I was asked if I had heard that Darrell had been in a wreck. As Rena drove me to the hospital, I prayed that there had been some kind of mistake, or that I would get there and he would be scratched up. Then I got a call telling me that it was bad. I still had no idea that I had just lost my best friend. Now that we have spent the last week mourning our loss, rejoicing in just knowing him, remembering all of the wonderful times that we shared, and even the trouble that we got into. From the times that the only way we had to get to town were bicycles(even if it was 13 miles),to the week-ends we spent camping, to the time we got our first cars. I was there when he got the first gun of his collection. I remember riding the school bus to his house every morning, getting off to wake him up to drive us to school, so he would get there(until I got caught). I never knew what to expect from him. But you knew that it would make you laugh. As I have sat here the last few days reading all of the wonderful things that everyone has to say about Darrell, they only assure me how truly blessed to know him. Over the last 25 years I saw him not only dream, but fullfil his dreams. I watched Micro-Management start from a dream in the stock room of the liquor store while he was doing his homework, to the successful business that it is today. I watched him as he drew plans for the new building. I've been at with him at the store late hours while he was trying to make things better for his customers. He was always trying to make things better for others. He often gave me the courage to keep going, hope when I felt that there was none. He had a way of knowing when to pop in. I know that he is in heaven now, making all of the angels laugh. Connie, please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Know that we are here for you. DARRELL, REST IN PEACE MY BROTHER I LOVE YA MAN BILLY |
Tony and Allison Stracener |
Friend |
Rentz |
Georgia |
Connie, Dustin and Jesse,
It was my great pleasure to have known Darrell as a friend the last few years. Darrell was always quick with his wit, generous with his friends and a real lover of his family. He had a vision of what success was and Micromanagement is the realization of that vision. Connie you have been a friend for a lot of years and a great blessing. Dustin it was such a joy to have had you in my life in youth group at Bluewater Baptist Church. Jesse little man, you are growing up too fast and I know you as well as Dustin will grow into men that Darrell would be proud of.
I love all you guys and know the the Lord will keep his arms round about you. Remember this. "When the night is the darkest, its then that the stars are the brightest"
In Christ, Tony Stracener 1st Corinthians 1:18 |
john e buckins |
GA |
Petula Todd-Wadley |
Dublin |
GA |
Though I did not know Darrell, it was also a shock to me as I read newspaper. For someone so kind to go at such a young age. But I know how it feels to lose a loved one as well. May God Bless the family. |
Michael M. Fowler |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, I would like to extend to you my deepest sympathy. One night Darrell and I spent the better part of the night trying to repair my PC, and did not quit until we found the problem, not many people would have done this... I am truly grateful to have known him and share with you and your family in your grief. May God bless and keep you and your family always. |
Teresa & Hilton Holton |
customers |
Wrightsville |
GA |
Our sincere condolences to the family of Darrell. Connie and boys and the NLAmerica gang...We will continue to pray for you all. |
Linda Churchwell |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Darrell was a great person and I sure will miss his smiling face. |
Jan Bedingfield |
friend/customer |
Dublin |
Connie, Tony, Danielle and the Micro-Management team, may God continue to hold you up through this terrible time of grief. He was a special man and I will miss his smile and kindness. Dustin and Jesse, I lost my father suddenly when I was very young and I want you to know that you will always feel his presence with you and memories of him will carry you through many special moments in life. May God bless you all. |
Fred Young |
friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie & family, As it has been said hundred's of time, Darrell was a good man. He always had a smile and a good word. We'll continue to pray for you. He'll be missed for sure, but you haven't "lost" him, He just got to Heaven first. ragards, fred |
nell bush |
customer |
dublin |
ga |
Connie, you, & your family are in our thoughts and prayers |
Sonny and Doris |
Friend |
Cadwell |
GA |
Wonderful pictures. Darrell's wonderful smile and personality will live on through you, his family. |
Virginia T. Dale |
Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
My condolences to Darrell's family and my prayers are that the Lord will comfort you in your loss as only He can do. I have only known Darrell since 2001 but always was a joy to deal with him when I had problems with my computer. He always had a smile and seemed to have an endless supply of patience with this old lady. Heaven is enriched with his presence. |
John |
Friend of a Friend |
Aiken |
SC |
I am a friend of the Jump's, and they asked me to pray for the family of Darrell. I am sorry to hear about what happened, but I want you guys to know I'm praying for you. Much love, and God bless!
John |
Sudha Shah |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Our prayers are with you. |
Dan King Sr |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
I know it all must still seem so unreal. I still care and love alla y'all. Let me commend you on the way you did the announcement and acknowledgements here online. It is done in good taste and allows us to express ourselves in a very appropriate manner. Did you realize you would have so many, many people to respond. I think it is wonderful. We would like it to somehow bless your broken hearts. Right now I reach out to the screen and touch Darrell's smile. So many of us will continue to be touched by our memories of it and the wonderful customer service and friendship received from him and all of you. Love and blessings from Him Who is our Source, the Lord Jesus Whom I ask to comfort you. --Dan King Sr |
Michelle McCullars |
friend/customer |
dublin |
ga |
Connie and boys you have all my thoughts and prayers. Darrell will be missed greatly. Now the Great Lord has another angel to help guide us all. If there is anything I can do for you or the boys please let me know. May God Bless each of you and give you the strength for a speedy healing. |
Lee Cannon |
Customer |
Milan |
Georgia |
As I began college in 1993 it was determined that I needed a PC. I knew nothing about computers but was referred to Micro Management at its first location by a co-worker of my moms. I visited the then tiny computer store and met Darrell. I explained to him what I thought my needs were and he constructed a computer to meet those needs. He also took the time to explain to me how to operate the computer and each program. Through the years he guided me through modem and memory upgrades on the same computer. That computer saw me through college, law school, and outlasted the monitor. I am now on my third or fourth computer since that machine, but it still works! I did not know Darrell beyond this limited business relationship. However, during the few transactions we had with each other it was obvious that he was the kind of person for which transacting business with was a pleasure. He never made me feel rushed. He never made me feel ignorant despite my limited computer knowledge. It appeared to me that he was extremely honest and would not take advantage of anyone with limited techincal knowledge, from the elderly widow to the young, ignorant college student as I was. As I do business with peoople on a daily basis that make me feel rushed and unappreciated, I will remember Darrell. God bless his family and the Micro Management team. |
Annie M. Dudley |
customer |
East Dublin |
Ga |
Jai Stanley |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Darrell was a great person always smiling when i came inside to pay my bill and would help you with anything if he could he will truly be missed by my family just by seeing his friendly face may god bless you and be with you family during your time of greif |
Charles |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Sorry for the tragedy I know he will be missed by all. May God help you thru this time of tragedy. |
Lisa & Tim Keyton |
Friend |
Wrightsville |
Georgia |
Tim and I were among Darryl's first customers. He was honest and down to earth. He will be greatly missed and our prayers are with the family that God will give them peace. |
Dick Burrell |
business/office and home |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, Children and NLAmerica family -- You have all been in my prayers. Darrell had a contagious smile and such a helpful spirit. Over the next period of time, I commit to pray for you each time I sit at my computer at church or at home. I know the pain and heart-break has to be tremendous. You could not make it without the Lord. He will carry you when you cannot find the strength. May you sense God's peace beyond our human abilities to understand. Dick Burrell |
Jerry and Angie McNure |
Adrian |
There's not a lot to say to make you feel any better but we know that the Lord knows your needs. We pray that He will grant you the comfort that only comes from Him. We have been knowing you both for 9 years and everyone asks me where we got our computer from. I always would send them there and tell them what wonderful people you were. We loved dealing with Darrell because he was such a great guy. We were so saddened to hear of this loss and shed many tears for you. We rejoice for Darrell because he's in the hands of the Lord but for those left behind, it's hard. We are praying for you and your family and all those that knew him. |
Jim & Donna Wallace |
Ramona's Father-in-law |
Douglasville |
Georgia |
We didn't know Darrell but we are sorry for his untimely death. We have been and will pray for the family and loved ones. God bless you all.
Love, Jim & Donna |
Bo Claxton |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
He never appeared anxious, worried, nervous or in a hurry. Always calm in a storm. What a way to live. I'm gonna miss his, "Hey, Bo". |
Rev. Jack Smithwick |
Customer |
Adrian |
GA |
I didn't get to know Darrell personally, but my heart grieves with you. May God's tender mercies keep you and abide with you. We at Adrian Camp and Conference Center appreciate your kindness and patience in helping us with our computer problems.
Jack Smithwick |
Janette "Mama" Justice |
Friend always |
Chester |
Ga |
Connie when I look at the pictures of Darrell,you and the boys, I can't help but smile. The love that you all have for one another just shines from them. When you think of him, think of the good times, forget the bad. Darrell was a shining light while he was here with us but now he shines with the brightest stars in heaven. I have always heard that "the good die young" this only proves it. We love you all. |
Janice Maddox |
Customer/Friend |
E Dublin |
GA |
It spoke so clearly to me as I gazed through some of the other entries that a man is truely successful when customers count him as a long time friend, success never got rid of his t-shirt, hat and smile and we all knew his family and what he stood for. He was the most successful promoter of computers that I have ever seen. He took those who were the most against them and had them begging for more ideas on how to use them. I'm quite sure that Heaven is being networked as we speak. Connie and guys, draw comfort from the memories and from the friends who care about all of you so much. God bless. |
Dr. Bob Oliver |
Client and Friend |
Dublin |
GA |
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Darrell's death. He was always there when I needed help with my computer and always with a good word and a smile.I have been with nlamerica since buying my first computer from Micromanagement when they were at the Oaks shopping center. He will be greatly missed.Bob Oliver |
Billie Graham |
Customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie & children, to each one at Micro-Management, May God's Love and Grace give you strength and comfort. His love is sufficient to sustain us in our grief. Darrell was a wonderful person and will be greatly missed by all. Our Loss is Heaven's gain. Love & Prayers, Billie |
Judy Mullis |
Customer/Friend of Ramona |
Cadwell |
Ga. |
You are all in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless and keep you. |
John & Kay Bozeman |
customer and friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
We didn't know Darrell personally but when coming in to the business he always greeted us with a smile. We know he will be greatly missed. May you rest in peace and may God bless your loveones during this trying time. Memories of you will always be tucked aways in their hearts. |
the fulghum family |
customer |
east dublin |
ga |
we have been customers for a long time and everytime we walk to pay the bill for internet service or had a problem with the service Darrell and his staff would always be helpful we will miss you Darrell and our thoughts are with the family and staff though this tragic time may God and his angels bless you |
kelly, amy thigpen/ Kip Skipper |
customer |
east dublin |
ga |
Sorry for your loss. Our prayers are with you and your family. |
Judy |
Online customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
God be with you. |
Freda and Chris Council |
Schoolmates |
Dublin |
Gerorgia |
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May God give you strength in your time of need. |
Gordon and Donna King |
customers |
Dublin |
Ga |
We have been long time customers of Darrell and Connie. We always got the answers we needed when we needed them- with a smile and a very loving demeanor- Darrell- I know you will be sadly missed by your family and friends but just know you made a big impact on your customers. Job well done! Our sympathy goes out to all the team and Connie and the boys-Time is a great healer and keep the faith! |
Tiny Showers |
Customer - NetLine America |
East Dublin |
GA |
My deepest sympathy goes out to the family of Darrell. May God be with you in your time of need. Lean on God and He will be there for you. Darrell will be missed by all who knew him in the Dublin-Laurens area. |
Will and Jennifer Carter |
Customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
A couple of months ago, I personally visited the store because I was having problems with my laptop. We had been customers for quite a while, but I had never had the need to visit. I ended up talking with a jovial, friendly, guy who spent a considerable amount of time solving my issue. At the time, I had no idea that I was talking to Darrell. When we left, my wife told me that I had been speaking with the owner. I was stunned. Nobody gives that kind of service anymore. He was so much fun to talk to. A couple of weeks later, we contacted the store to install a network system at our house. Guess who showed up to get things started?....Darrell. The number of people who felt compelled to remember Darrell in this registry shows the character and integrity of the man. Our hearts go out to his famly. May God bless you all. |
Shirley Thigpen |
customer |
Bartow |
Georgia |
My thoughts and prayers are with the family and staff of Micro-Management. May God Bless you all! |
Jimmy Wallace |
Brother-in-Law |
High Point |
North Carolina |
Whether parasailing or just hanging out at the beach, Darrell was just a fun guy to hang around. I count it a great honor to have had the privilege to marry Ramona (Darrell’s sister). The impact that Darrell has had on so many lives is over whelming. Darrell will be missed by so many. Ramona and I will miss him greatly. Connie, Dustin, Jesse and Lona, I am so sorry for your loss of a husband, dad and son. Just remember, we are just a phone call away. I love you guys, Jimmy
Dwayne & Tammy Gibson |
friend/customer |
Cadwell |
Ga |
Connie, Words can not express the sorrow/pain felt when we got the news. Darrell was a class act!!!! and will be missed by many for a very long time! I teach at West Laurens High and got to know Dustin, Let me tell you, the apple did not fall far from the tree. He is a great person, like his father. You should be proud of the great job both you and Darrell have done in molding that young man. May the L-rd Bless you and Keep you. Love in Christ Jesus, Dwayne Gibson |
Lois and Harold Turner |
Ramona's Mother-in-law |
Stone Mountain |
Georgia |
Darrell, you were a wonderful friend to us all, a great companion to Connie and dedicated father and Christian leader and to Dustin and Jesse. You have brought the scripture to "light": Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. This is the greatest honor a man can give to his family, and to God. Your life will live on in them. To Connie, Dustin, Jesse, Lona, Ramona, Jimmy, Kevin, Michelle and Jason; my love and prayers. You can never be separated from the one's you love, who die in the Lord. Safe in the arms of God, Darrell is in our heavenly home - among the best. Jesus took our place to give us His peace. Ephesians 4:32 Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you. Psalm 55:22 Thow wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. Isaiah 26:3
Love to you all. Miss you! Lois and Harold |
Dublin Wrecker Service Sandra Ricks & tERRY rICKS |
customers |
East Dublin |
Ga |
Our prayers are with the family and friends.May God bless you. |
Renee Outlaw |
Customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
I know the hurt that you all must be feeling at this difficult time. Darrell was such a great guy. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. |
Bob and Mary Wosinski |
Friends of Ramona amd Jimmy |
Greensboro |
NC |
I was reading some of the messages that people wrote and although I never met Darrell I could tell he was someone special. The Good Lord must of thought so to for "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints" Ps. 116:15 I will be praying your family. |
janet |
customer |
east dublin |
ga |
my prayers are with you the family, and the employees of mm, nla. may God bless you and comfort you. everyone including darrell was so nice to me when setting up my account and working on my computer, ect. he will be sadly missed here on earth, but we will all see again soon in heaven. thoughts and prayers be with you all.... love in christ... janet |
Dick (Grifff) Griffith |
Unknown Friend |
Salem |
Ohio |
I didn't know Darrell but what I've read and heard about him he was someone very special. May God bless his entire family at this time. Griff, friend of Lois & Harold Turner |
John Jones |
Freind |
Dublin, |
GA |
You are my friend and we will meet again. |
Laverne Reynolds |
customer |
Dudley |
Georgia |
My heart goes out to the family,may god forever be with you all and bless you.I know he is a great loss. |
Thelma Ashley |
customer |
Dublin |
Ga |
Mrs Harrell, Darrell will be sadly missed. He always had such a great big smile & was ready to assist you any way that he could. Just know that God never makes a mistake. My prayers are with you & your family. |
Bill Clontz |
friend |
dublin |
ga |
Thanks for the many times I needed your help to get my puter going, and don't forget that pesky 32 worm-blaster virus....the world is a better place and we are all richer because we crossed paths...thanks my friend! |
Erin Campbell |
went to school with Dustin |
dublin |
GA |
I am not gonna tell you how you feel, I have never experienced a loss as great as yours. I have never met Dustins father, but from what I heard he was a great man. Noone can replace him. May god help guide you through this tragic time. Much love goes out to your family. |
Thomas and Gail Harrison |
customer |
Dublin |
Georgia |
We are so,so sorry for your loss. NetLine America will never be the same. May God Bless you all and lift you up during the many,many days it will take you all to adjust living w/o Darrell. |
Rex Barrentine |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
Connie,My heart goes out to you and your kids.I have prayed for you and wanted you to know he was great guy and will be missed terribly.Please let me know if I can do anything for you.
Rex and Kaye Barrentine |
Ismael Velasco |
Friend / Customer |
Puebla |
Mexico |
It is hard to hear bad news, specially when they happen to a person that was kind, friendly and willing to help. I consider Darrell one of the most sincere persons I have ever met. He was exceptional in both business and most important life. My thoughts for him and his family. |
Neva Couey |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
May God bless your family. |
Louis and Kathy Blue |
Customer |
East Dublin |
GA |
You can always tell the impact a person has made in their life. It appears that Darrell made a "Huge" impact. To remember him is to "Honor the Man" he was. May God Bless his family. |
David |
Friend |
East Dublin |
Georgia |
The death of a righteous man is not really a death at all. He is merely sleeping, and as with any person who sleeps awaiting the morning, he will arise to a morning of glory. It is those who are awake that suffer the trials of life, but those who sleep rest peacefully. |
Sylvia Spivey |
customer |
East Dublin |
Ga |
I had a conversation with Darrell about his dream to have a new store. He had a yearning in his eyes that touched me. When the company moved into the polished new store, I was very happy that he had achieved his dream. It soon became obvious that he and his staff had not changed though. They were as down to earth and helpful as they had always been. I could count on them to help me with any problems and not leave me feeling stupid.
I do believe that in the few short years that Darrell had his own business he guided many young employees in a way that they might not have known with any other employer. His legacy is great, as he spread good cheer and a love of people far and wide. Connie, there is no easy way to get though this loss. Perhaps just being grateful for having had such a wonderful man in your life will give you some comfort. That is how I deal with my recent loss of my only son. I thank God that I had a son more wonderful than any woman could ask for. Please give my love to Darrell's mother with my prayers for her and you, your children and all of the family and staff. Darrell will always be missed, but never forgotten.
My prayers are with all of you.
Sylvia |
Claudia Thompson |
customer |
Dexter |
Ga. |
I just want to add my prayers for the family and friends. Darrell was a wonderful person and will be missed by everyone. May God Bless all of you. |
Bob and Barbara Roszell |
friend and customer |
dublin |
georgia |
Connie, we are so sorry to hear of the loss of Darrell it is strange to think of Micro without him. He truly was a froce in the education of computer illiterates like me.He taught me a great deal. No question was to small for him, he always treated everyone with kindness and respect..To you and your family we send prayers and love |
Ben Tarpley |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga |
For the past several months my work has taken me out of town and somewhat out of touch. I just learned of about Darrell's tragedy. I just could not believe it. I always considered you and Darrell such special and warm people. He will be missed by many as the guessbook already shows. My prayers are with you and your family. |
Joan Brantley |
customer |
Dublin |
GA |
Connie, may you, your sons and the staff find comfort and encouragement from the many expressions of concern and love of family, friends and customers. What a legacy Darrell has left. I know you treasure and feel blessed because of the time you had with him. Heaven is now just a little sweeter. for you. |
Tom & Joy Strickland |
Friend |
Dublin |
Ga. |
Connie By the looks of the register Darrell was apart of alot of people's life's. But you Connie,Dustin and Jesse was his life. I've watched him as a nine year old tearing my CB radio apart to a 39 year old tearing computers apart. He was living out his dreams.Thats all anyone could ask for. He did all this with his family in mind. He was also a good friend. You will remain in our thought and apart of our family. Love Tom and Joy |
Glenda Baggett |
Dustin's teacher |
Rentz |
GA |
Dustin, I learned to love you as a student at SWLE. I am remembering you and your family in my prayers, and I feel great pain for your loss, but I know you have an inner strength that will enable you to see a brighter day, and I believe God's wisdom will guide you and your family. |
Anonymous I think not. |
Georgia |
I guess I’m ready to type a few things about Darrell, He and God Know how I feel about what happened. Connie knows also now. I would hate to put in to words what I really think about it. As to not piss-off folks. Darrell was a real friend. Connie made Darrell & Vice Versa. Connie,Dustin,Jess,Lona I really do love you guys. And every time I think about Darrell gone it just breaks my heart, brings tears to my eyes. Just a few words. Datastream, The Room with no time. Lake Sinclair. Windows 95 Comdex. Doom, Ants, Tandy Turtle, Kick the harddrive to get it going again. Chinese Food and the trash can. The BBS. Getting other signs (ACE) and others. A very old and HUGH computer. 250 Meg HD 9.6-14.4BPS. Hey let me show you this neat thing. The Gun safe with Tony inside. The old ford truck. Memories Unlimited I don’t know if it helps or works but don’t stop. Wolf springs Mod. 29 & Taurus, Shooting in the sideyard. Stray bullet in the pool. Deputy Mitchum. Watching TV…..Star trek and and other Sci-Fi that Darrell happened across. Connie cooking on the smoker grill. Goofing off on weekends falling a sleep in the living room. Early to bed Connie. Long Tall Sally, Rip it up. (1995)-Dumpster diving I guess I will look for that shoe now. Just hold my feet. What are you doing in there? Shoppin! (you had to be there). What would happen if we do this. Huuum that don’t sound good. Calling Darrell at home and asking if a blue screen was good. Formatting my hard drive. And deleting almost everything. Christmas Dustin 4wheeler and the Oak tree and video tape. Diane liquor store. Flood water Oconee River. There are thousands of Memories. And I’m just one person, in a multitude of many who have our own Memories of Darrell. If you remember just smile and give a good laugh.
Jesse Harrell |
yongest son |
Dublin |
Georgia |
I really,really miss him and I know he went to heaven.He always knew how to cheer me up because he was so funny.I will never forget daddy. |
Funeral Arrangements
Visitation was at Townsend's Funeral Home, Wednesday July 20th, from 6p to 8p.
Funeral Services were at 2pm on Thursday, July 21st at Bluewater Baptist Church
